Tired of these blow out matches

Umm how are team fight stats an argument from authority? That’s really dumb because first kill legitimately ends in team fight wins for the team that secured the kill 75% of the time or more

Decayed players still get matched by mmr. You’re not going to find a decayed gm in diamond unless he’s actually dropped to diamond

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you are the one constant in all of your games. Mathematically speaking, even if you are completely average at the game you will climb (this is why 50% avg wr doesn’t come until diamond)

When your teammates pick a bunch of random heroes with no synergy and they die within seconds, it’s hard to save the day.

Always happens. Loads of throwers, Leavers, feeders and smurfs making matches unfaur.


Is always worth looking back at a recorded game. One guy asked for a vod review. And despite him being higher Sr than me, it was clear to see what silly plays he made that cost him the match. Bad hero selection, soft throwing via suiciding 3 times in 1 minute, etc.

It’s always easier to spot these things afterwards. But you can at least attempt to prevent those errors next time you’re in the thick of things.

It IS possible if YOU are consistent. Here is the distinction that you need to recognize: Don’t just Shot Call, BE a Shot Caller! This involves using coaching-type skills like maturity, patience, and understanding. Also, you can’t get tilted otherwise your Shot Calls won’t help you.

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you can’t get tilted otherwise your Shot Calls won’t help you.

I have identified seven distinct cultural groupings in Overwatch that each can be identified by what they decide is “tilted” and whether or not that’s a desirable set of behaviors, and whether the criteria applies to everyone or only everyone that isn’t themselves. The largest population I encounter are the type that are abusive, don’t know the first thing about the stuff they’re saying but will absolutely insist that they know the absolute divine truth, and if anyone else behaves like they do it’s because that person is a troll and should be punished. Probably 80% of the players I encounter are in that cultural grouping. I have a word for them… but while it’s a 100% accurate way of identifying them, it’s not acceptable on the TV news just yet… because our society prefers having its ego stroked over knowing things. This is why the report system is heavily abused and summarily ignored.

What are you babbling about? As Arzoo said, you sound a little unhinged. Perhaps you need to take a break from this game…

The largest population I encounter are the type that are abusive, don’t know the first thing about the stuff they’re saying but will absolutely insist that they know the absolute divine truth, and if anyone else behaves like they do it’s because that person is a troll and should be punished.

What are you babbling about? As Arzoo said, you sound a little unhinged. Perhaps you need to take a break from this game…

Check, check, and check… you even did it in order.

I still do not understand. Can someone please translate?

Maybe if you hit a wall that I and many others currently, you would experience the “masters hell curse” where you have a Non-stop barrage of unlucky teams.

That is true, I havn’t hit a wall yet. Every time I plateau I’ll take a couple of weeks to train up on my weaknesses. Doing this has allowed for me to get past every hurdle from Bronze to mid-Gold. What is consistent, though, is that tilt is a persistent danger no matter the rank. If your attitude slips at all during a match, it can be impossible to realign yourself unless you have the capability to recognize that you’ve tilted.

Tilt is about attitude, not about the match.

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LoL all you guys complaining you can’t get from 3K to masters or whatever. How about fair matches for those of us <500SR so maybe we can get >=500SR someday?

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