Tired of being forced to play Widow/Ashe/Echo

Exactly what the title says. The game simply isn’t fun play a more skill based hero.
Why would I sweat trying to perform high skill combos on any hero when Widow and Ashe just one shot from the back of the map.

Everyone knows it too. Because if you pick any other DPS hero you just get flamed same goes for tank if you wanna play Hog or Ball your team will just instantly flame you and blame any mistake anyone does on you for no apparent reason.
Last season I had 70% win rate on hog in low Masters and after one team fight loss its instantly people screeching SWAP HOG SWAP HOG. Never mind the millions of mistakes others make.

Blizzard you should have learned from your mistake with wow and when you add more and more heroes that can do everything the PVP aspect goes downhill.

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Eh I just play whatever I want to, as long as I swap when it’s clearly not working. It’s fine to start off with a worse hero (I main Genji for example) but yeah in situations where he’s hard countered I definitely swap off. It’s not ideal but you gotta do it sometimes to get the W. Blizzard’s balancing isn’t great but it is what it is.

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They go from one goats meta to the next.
Because it looks better for eSports.

What we need is the game returned to counter play.

Forcing swaps to combat rolled instead of goats Thst can do everything too well