The transition can feel awkward, no doubt there. I transitioned to PC games by first playing Minecraft honestly (this was back in 2013). Its a game that is low-pressure but uses a similar key mapping system to that of Overwatch.
- In the meantime, try to keep everything at default settings first (including mouse sensativity). As you become familar, try changing controls to more comfortable controls. In general I like to have Left Shift (Ability 1) binded to my wheel/middle click button, and I have Melee binded to Mouse 4 (the upper thumb button for most gaming mice). I swapped both X and V as I found I would spam my voice line button when I try to walk backwards. If a hero doesn’t have a right click, try binding the most logical ability or their Melee to it as well.
- When using WASD, think of A as side stepping left and D for side stepping right rather than moving right or moving left. You dictate direction primary through your mouse and in time it will become natural to make turns left and right using a combination of A, W, and D while also turning your mouse at the same time. This is what makes keyboard and mouse more fluent in controls versus that of gamepads.
- Make sure you are using a very adequate mouse pad, the bigger the better. I use the really cool full desk mouse pads, like the Hearthstone and BlizzCon pads found on the Blizzard Gear Store.
- In time, think about slowly lowering your sensitivity on your mouse, but don’t do this in sudden intervals. The lower the sensitivity, the more accurate you can control your aim. This is done in a combination of lowering the in-game sensitivity and the DPI setting of your mouse.
There are advanced tips in my technical performance guide here as well: