Tiny minority complaining about 2cp is going to ruin Overwatch again

That’s not true. People have complained about 2CP since the very beginning, me included. And every time someone complains about 2CP, another person comes out of the woodwork and says “2CP is my FAVE.” And we see history repeating itself…


2cp has issues a lot of issues, particularly with snowballing. No other mode is possible to outright win under 2 minutes, which means the defenders never even had a chance to build ultimates and stabilize.

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That’s why you have a variety of modes.

Trust me, if I could take 2CP out of my personal map rotation, I absolutely would. You can’t say “you have other gamemodes” as a justification for 2CPs flaws.


I’ve been complaining about it since I started playing during beta, alongside hero stacking (which went before I bought the game for start of S3).

If CTF isn’t worthy of comp neither is 2CP IMO. 2CP should be an arcade mode, it’s just poorly balanced and tedious.


Pretty sure this applies to role queue as well…

Don’t confuse popular on the internet with majorities/minorities

I remember plenty of backlash against it before and after it launched


2 CP is only bad for Competitive play because the teams go multiple rounds and Blizzard wont fix the spawn situation.

Under the right circumstances a fix of spawn would more than likely clear out some of these issues.

Attacking teams on Temple of Anubis get this the worst. They have tons of space to do things but they have such a long walk the eats up the Clock. Maybe if instead they put the Defenders spawn on B, in a Different spot or improved the attacker’s spawn. It wouldn’t be such an issue.

As I like role que, and believe it exceeded my expectations, I would love a 2cp Change.


I would gladly do the same for koth maps. I never want to play them.

Honestly just give me a 24/7 Kings Row server.


I said “from experience, at least players voicing their opinion” for a reason, it’s not a fact, just my take on it and py point still stands, if they end up changing 2cp it will never change the game as rolequeue did.

There was a poll not too long ago about role queue and open queue, it ended with something like 60/40 in favor of role queue iirc and that’s not my opinion, the majority wanted role queue but clearly some people didn’t want it.

Please do provide any actual evidence that supports your claim of 2/2/2 role - lock supporters and 2CP “haters” comprising anything even close to a ““tiny minority”” of the player base.



Don’t really care if they ruin the least fun of the four modes.

Role queue is great for competitive. The issue is that it was pushed into the main casual game as well when it shouldnt have been the case.

You dislike the maps or the mode? I like KoTH… all of the rounds are isolated and there’s no overarching timebank that puts one team at an advantage.

Nothing is guaranteed but if the enemy team has 5+ minutes and your team has 1minute, you’re probably losing that game and personally I’d rather it just ended. Giving the team that got hard outplayed a pity round and keeping them in that game at a huge disadvantage just feels bad to me. I’m not afraid of losing games, but 2CP, and to a lesser extent the other timebank modes, can feel like you lost the same game multiple times and I don’t like that.

I dislike the mode itself. Out of all the modes, koth is the one that promotes solo plays and trickling the most.

I guess ppl who mainly only play comp like koth more because in modes outside of comp, koth is the longest mode and literally makes you feel like playing 2~3 games for a win or lose. I mean koth is literally the only map type that uses comp rules outside of comp since it was nerfed from 5 rounds to 3 in comp.

Wait what?
How long have you been active?
People complain about 2CP at least since season 2, that’s when I began to play OW.
The forum was full of threads.

And if you refer to the actual scrapped experiment it’s scrapped
2CP is broken, esepcially in higher ranks where 6 to 6 draw or 7 to 6 wins are very common

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it is always…interesting…to see folks who never provide legitimate supporting data demand such data themselves

Tiny minority? Really? You live under a rock or what?
I personaly don´t mind 2CP maps, but I really don´t like, how people start to leave the game, whenever we get on Paris or HLC. If anything, this bothers me the most and it doesn´t looks like a minority - all that leavers, all that posts on forum. I would LOVE to enjoy my game, but I can´t when certain maps have the most leavers.

Why would Blizzard look to make changes in order to please the “tiny minority” of people who dislike 2CP? I don’t think they would. It’s more likely that it’s not a tiny minority at all.