Time to make voicechat in competitive compulsory or revert private profiles

Nope. Just nope. I don’t have much to say, outside of that.

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And, by doing so, you’re already more helpful than half of the people I’ve met voice chat.


Someone misses being toxic and a bit creepy


I always leave voice chat in competitive, I don’t like people talking when I listen to music.

Want teammates who use a mic, push to talk, communicate effectively, and aren’t blasting music? Group up. If you play solo queue, you are voluntarily agreeing to play with people who don’t use a mic, use an open mic, blather uselessly, or play the above mentioned Scandinavian death metal at max volume. It’s the hazard of playing a team game solo


I’ve been saying this for a while now…

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I think it’s more of a mindset problem, the objectively correct way to play this game is by communicating a lot but tons of players just refuse that and play by themselves, however the real issue isn’t that, it’s the ones that blame their team after doing stupid things themselves.


Absolutely mute the toxic players, but don’t do those on your team who actually want to win a disservice by not even bothering to join team chat.

Communication is a key component of teamwork, and teamwork is an essential part of this game.


I don’t even understand what your point is, people who do not want to be in the voice chat and are forced to will just mute everyone and not talk, if they do not want to listen to your voice, they will find a way not to.

When it comes to profiles - why do you want to see what other people play? People will pick what they want, despite what their profile says. You can find a guy who has 80% winrate on Zarya, it does not guarantee that he will play it, it just gives you an option to be toxic and yell at him to play Zarya. If you are afraid that you will pick a hero that your teammate mains, he will probably tell you that he wants to play that character.

So there is no reason to make voice chat compulsory in competitive or to revert private profiles.

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Gets reported for abusive chat.

they are not, i rarely have toxic people in voice. It’s often that guys like you who defend this anti vc claims that are toxic to people who use or want you to use vc.

thats not true, and i think most people in 2-2-2 try todo different. I had many games where i didn’t know what to pick as tank, i picked rein, he asked me to switch, can’t play zarya, i play sigma, he asks me to switch, want’s to play sigma himself, i pick zarya… wow… with open profiles i would atleast have a little bit of clue what to pick, imagine a player that doesn’T talk to you, and you just need to adapat always to others as a reaction instead of at the beginning.

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Who says your callouts are the right ones?.

I don’t need some screechy 12 year old in my ear or adult for that matter, yelling out for heals because they over extended, I don’t need some absurd callout that I know will not help to get the point.

If I play heals, I know what I need to do and who is priority for my heals. When I go dps, I know what I need to do and what enemy hero is more of a priority to kill over others.

A lot of you people think that others need to listen to your stupid callouts, NO we don’t. When I get into a game, see who picks what, I can tell its going to be a full on crapshow from the start. I don’t need to listen to your abuse of others because you chose wrong and believe its others fault or vice versa.

In general, I don’t need to listen to anyone as this game.

When this game comes out with a patch to make it team sr over solo sr, then I might think about it. So long as I do my part on the role I picked, that is all that is required from me, what others do in this game is up to them.


By letting that teammate pick the hero that they want to play the most right now (I bet they’ll do this of their own accord, don’t worry). And then you pick something around that.

Actually this whole post brings up the point that they should just turn off being able to see the enemy team’s profile stats until after the match.

And yet we dont have Scoreboards and we will never do.
They only released Replays and … they are not even finished. They did and are keen on doing a poor job on “educating” the player and implementing tools that allow to identify problems and coach yourself or others.

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Spoken like a true console gamer with their profile on private

I’ll… be right back

Has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Not once did I imply any of that, the whole post was towards team work and trying make the game better. Get off your high horse kid.

The day I get a single decent callout in bronze comp is the day I go to the moon on a dinner date with the angsty dragon man.

In short: never gonna happen.

I don’t need to lose more IQ points than chat already has cost me.