Time to make comp solo queue only

That’s the same cluster screw system solo q was. Finding specific players is the ENTIRE POINT of LFG. you can find someone who actually main tanks, a flexible DPS player and a skillful Main Healer, no more random chance of getting stuck with 4 DPS ragers or 3 support mains.

I’m starting to wonder if you’re even reading what you’re typing.

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You are being unnecessarily rude? Why?

The point of the solo queue system in comp (you can queue with friends in QP) is so that people are moved up the ladder on their own merits and to eliminate smurfing groups, boosting groups, huge skill gap groups (bronze-gold duos), throwing groups, all the CANCER that is in Overwatch ranked right now.

The group finder would allow you to queue into the role you want, default to 2/2/2 or flex and you’d get paired with a random selection from the available. You’d get your preferred role and the setup phase would actually be useful for coming up with a plan (hey, teamwork!) for that match.

Endorsements would actually mean something, because you could select a minimum endorsement level to group with, it won’t place you with players lower than the endorsement level you select. Somebody doesn’t team play or flex? No endorsements and they get placed with other 1’s. Somebody works as a team all the time? Loads of endorsements and they get placed with other 3s, 4s, and 5s. Endorsements for Comp are only valid in comp (you cannot play in arcade to get higher endorsements for comp).

Blizzard has put in all the tools we need to make ranked a proper ladder (LFG, Endorsements, Reports). We just need to make some changes to utilize those tools properly.


You seem to get defensive about being boosted by LFG, which you were. There is a difference between solo queue and group queue, THE TWO SHOULD NOT BE MIXED! Every competitive game I’ve player has had this problem, I’ve boosted friends by grouping with them just playing support while I was smurfing . Because I want to play with my friends, the end result was me boosting them because I wouldn’t be able to queue with them otherwise.

I’m not saying you’re bad or you don’t deserve your rant, but what I’m saying is you got boosted by playing in a group because you can play against single queue players.

Stop getting too defensive about your low rank, it’s just a game. Difference is one is just harder to do.


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Bullcrap almost every queue is another 6 stack sometimes 5 and a random because a teammate left just as we found a game.

Of course I’m getting defensive, your stupid troll logic is use LFG = boosted. If finding like minded players who want to win and not make selfish decisions that tank the entire team is boosting I really don’t want to see your version of comp.

It’s pretty clear you’re trolling or making crap up as I’ve never encountered a team of randoms while in a full stack. We get long wait times for games because the system PREVENTS your nonsense argument.

Nice try at trolling though.


There are people in GM, because some people are better than others at this game, it doesn’t mean they like or want to play solo queue. There is also the fact that it takes longer to find a game stacking at GM level because of the lower population.

In case you don’t follow overwatch news pros have been complaining online (again) recently about the state of ranked. It’s a terrible place to learn the game and it’s almost useless for practicing which is why some of them have given up on ladder and just play scrims.

I’ve been saying for a long time that there needs to be a solo-only comp, a mix-team comp, and a 6-man comp. There’s no reason why there can’t be. All it comes down to is making different sprays as rewards.

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It doesn’t matter whether they like or want to play solo or not. The fact is that they are doing it and that’s the only option available right now and they have no problems reaching top levels.

There’s no guarantee que ranked comp would make you any better. Afterall you’re enemy team would be queing too. Maybe you’ll take satisfaction that although you still suck, you’re playing on a preferred option. That would be the only difference.

This is a great change for people who have no friends.


And I don’t think separate queues for different group sized is a good idea either. It doesn’t solve any of your listed issues.

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I don’t get where all the vitriol is coming from. Separating ranked solo from ranked teams is a good idea, and there’s no need to choose one or the other. Teams play against other teams, and solo plays only with other solos. You get a SR for each.

Team SR Plat while solo SR is Bronze? Somebody got boosted. High solo rank, but low team? Maybe you’re selfish, or you play with lower-skill friends and you’re okay with tanking that rating.

Point is, SR currently is a personal rank in a team game, meaning you’re at the mercy of your teammates for that personal rank. Throwers, ragers, and other toxic players can ruin it if they feel like it. It would make more sense to divide it out so you get a solo SR that accurately reflects your individual skill, and a team SR that reflects your ability to work with a team.

For an example of this, look at Rocket League. They have separate queues for solo and team, and it works great.

I agree, it’s a team game at the end of the day, and premade teams will always have an advantage over solo teams at the same rank. I don’t see how anyone thinks it’s fair to pit a group of 6 solo players against 6 people in a premade team.


Dividing the player base is not a good solution.
You will have to wait longer for game and you will be more likely to play games with same people.
Also I have never seen 6 solo players play against 6 stack.
6vs 4+2, 3+3 or 5+1 is the way I’ve seen it work.

Because the way the game is meant to be played optimally is amazing, and ranked is not, it’s just the best thing most people have experienced, so the they associate the best they’ve ever experienced with the best there is.

And about the enemy team when you queue as a group. I’M NOT SAYING THAT GROUPING WILL MAKE YOUR GAMES EASIER, I’M SAYING IT WILL MAKE THEM BETTER. A bunch of people who no longer use lfg, for some reason thought that they would just get free wins once they had a balanced team, and instead they found out that they don’t know how to play their role as well as they thought they do, so they went back to the mode where they can slip back into the shadows after a loss.

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I’m not saying overwatch as it is now is the best experience or the best there is. I’m saying it’s chaos. And in spite of that, people still play this chaos and reach the highest level.
You’re just begging for them to make game be better, but there’s no guarantee you’ll rise or have an easier time reaching your goal.
If you and your enemy team are both in groups of 6, how’s that different from 6 stacking using LFG against another 6 stack?
The annoying thing is if blizzard finally decides to grant your wish, you’ll be same one wanting them to take it back or cry about something else missing since all y’all like to do is complain.
The only difference between random team of 6 vs stacked 6 is communication. They are not using any magical heroes. If you decide to stay mute and not communicate and the other team decides to, how is that blizzards fault? I’ve been in 6 stacks were we didn’t even talk about anything relating to the game we were playing, I wasn’t even chatting at all. All we did was create a nice friendly atmosphere. That can also be done in solo q.

If you insist on making solo q and stacked games separate, that wouldn’t be a problem but that wouldn’t give you any advantage. That’s all I’m saying

I am in no way asking for an easier way to climb, I’m asking for games where you can use whole team strategies.

In a previous team based game I was extremely highly ranked, well into the top 100. At a certain point we got tired of randoms being thrown into our games wrecking things by not knowing proper strats at that level, what we ended up doing when we got tired of randoms is that all of the top players would just play pugs together every night. We would play every night until 2, 3, 4am my time, at a certain point the ladder became completely pointless, because the highest level games you could get though the matchmaker were all without the actual best players in the game because we were playing private pugs. I could jump into a random game and carry, but WHY?. I would much rather play in a game with counter play and counter strats, and mind games that carry over from when you played the same person yesterday. I don’t want Overwatch to be easier, I hope more people get to play that version of overwatch

Again I am not nearly as high as that in overwatch, but I am very familiar with this situation. Playing with a set group of people group of people who are all intent on learning to play better in plat or gold, would give you a more enjoyable experience than playing solo queue GM. Playing with random people every game just moves you further an further away from that.

So why don’t you make a team with some friends and head into a match?

That way it wouldn’t matter if you’re going up against stacks or solos since all you want to do is team strat

Please reread the title of this topic.

In a situation where comp is just solo queue, people who really like the game will start leaving comp, and people who only kind of like the game will leave the game entirely for something else.

Lol that’s even worse.

You really have no argument now.

If you wanted a solo q and stack que separate then you’d have had a shot.

But you take away stacking/grouping from a team based game that was supposed to be played with friends and even has a social section where you see teammates/friends is just wasting your time. You have a better chance getting people to devote Trump.

The fact that it’s a team based game in the first place means you are allowed to group. It’s even advisable to do so.

Well you’re on your own buddy

Between your attempt to disagree with everything I’m saying, and you confusing me for the person who started this topic you ended up accidentally agreeing with me; it’s either that or you’re just trolling.

I’m not agreeing with you.
I’m saying it’s a stupid idea to make comp solo only being that the whole point of overwatch is to play as a team and play with friends.

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Here is my first post in this topic, it’s post #2, and it only has one reply, it’s from you. It sure seems like you’re agreeing with me.