Time for a controversial Mercy POLL!

strawpoll. me/16343801
(remove space between ‘.’ and ‘me’)

Would you are rather Mercy be:

An OP, must pick BUT not fun at all, feels like a chore, babysitting

OR not meta, a bit ‘troll pick’ BUT very impactful when played correctly and rewarding

Go on the poll to vote your answer and see what others voted.

IDK, I understand that fun/balance is subjective but I’m just trying to reflect the thoughts of #revertMercy movement :stuck_out_tongue:



Is “neither” an option?

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Um - I think she’s a niche healer who will always remain a decent pick because of rez.

You gave me trashy options. /shrug

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Every hero should feel rewarding to play.

If playing hero feels unrewarding, then what’s the point of having that hero?

I think this should be design principle in general. I’m not bringing this up as some sort of Mercy specific thing, but as a opinion that applies to every hero.

Your poll options are so biased I almost started a nationwide riot against it


Seems most people want her to be like she is now.

(not meta, but rewarding and impactfull, that is current mercy.)

Except she’s not rewarding and impactful, but she is becoming more niche so I’ll give you that one.

Her rez and mass damage boost are some of the most impactful abilities in the game?

So tired of these poorly thought out, horribly written, obviously biased polls with options that are black and white with zero room for shades of grey, as if heroes have to be EXACTLY one way rather than be tweaked in several small ways to reach a proper balance.


This is a very extream poll.

Well those options are…bad.


I get it
If you vote the first one you’re wrong and the second one you vote for mass rez


Of all 14 votes. yes, Most people.

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2 out of 3 is most people.

I was thinking the same thing.

You’ve literally got the most biased statement on the planet about how boring Mercy’s balance is then mass rez.

Choose wisely lol

When the options are either the stereotypes most Mercy’s have about her balance right now, except increased 10^1000


Mass rez

It’s kinda a loaded question.

Boring loaded questions.

Mercy was never a “troll pick”. Old rez was more problematic than her current state because of the way it functioned. Mercy is more balanced in her current state while other main healers are able to compete with her. Getting more chances and being able to gain the advantage is extremely powerful, nobody wants that back. What you could do is disappear from the fight knowing that ults are coming up and hide only to come back and rez (or rez instantly if you’re close enough behind a wall)

Not a niche pick, she’s simply balanced.