Tier 5 overwatch skins

I hope with ow2 we get “tier 5” level skins for heroes

For anyone who doesnt know in other games skins are marked in tiers from 1 to usually 5

Tier 1 - usually just the classic skin
Tier 2 - basic recolours, ow version of rares
Tier 3 - recolour with added effect/textures, ow version of epics
Tier 4 - complete remodel of the base character, legendaries
Tier 5 - tier 4 with new voice work, special fx, sound fx, occasionally a special feature like the skins changes as you play

In Apex they have the tier 100 battle pass weapon skins, which are tier 5. when you get a kill with that weapon and skin equipped it has a unique visual and sound effect that plays and the more kills you get the more extravagant the gun gets.

I would love to see something like this added in ow2 if/when we get a battle pass added. I think having something above legendary to flaunt would be not only cool but refreshing to see.

Just as an example of the top of my head;

Ow2 launches, you login for the first time. A “WELCOME TO SEASON OF THE HIGH SEAS” message pops up. “NEW MAP: ATLANTIS, NOW PLAYABLE” a new map that relates to the season theme.

You click on the battle pass button on the menu screen. 100 tiers of rewards, free track and paid track.

Free track features currency, voice lines, sprays, couple victory poses and player icons which all are sea themed. Tier 100 of the free track is “LEGENDARY DEEP SEA DIVER REINHARDT”

Paid track, level 1 “LEGENDARY SCUBA TRACER” with flippers on, her goggles are now a scuba mask etc. As you climb the tiers you can get some emotes, say a bastion emote where he makes a fog horn sound and smoke comes out of him for example. You can get a season themes music pack which is the overwatch theme but in the style of a sea shanty. More victory poses, special season badge and spray which updates depending on what tier of the bp you are on. Level 50 you get “LEGENDARY DEEP SEA EXPLORER MEI” more currency, maybe an epic skin or 2.

Finally we come to tier 100. The final reward. What everyone has been grinding for. “ULTIMATE (what i would call tier 5 skins) PIRATE SHIP DVA” comes with dva all suited up with a pirate hat and outfit, her mech resembles a pirate ship. If this was a legendary it would stop there. But this is an ULTIMATE skin.

Her missile barrage shoots out cannon balls instead. Her ult has new a visual effect and voice line unique to this skin. She has a unique voice pack when you have this skin equipped, which has specially recorded voice work to sound like dva if she was a pirate. She has her own custom pirate themed idle animation in the hero select screen, when you select dva with this skin equipped it plays a pirate shanty for 5 or so seconds when you are in or leaving spawn. Comes with its own custom emote and highlight intro that fit the skin perfectly.

And the best thing is every new season a new hero gets their ultimate skin released. So it becomes exciting to see who the next hero to get theres is. Not only does this make every competitive season feel fresh and individual but also gives people something to get hyped for.

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I wouldn’t like this. The game already has an issue with how blinding the visuals are sometimes, and making them more ambigious and confusing with different effects would make that problem a lot worse.


Dont use the skin then?

I’m talking about when the enemy uses them. I can’t control them using a skin.

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Yeah but only you get to see the majority of the effects. The effects enemies see are not 100% what you see or hear

Think of how moiras ult works. On her screen its a giant yellow/purple beam on her opponents screen… not as big, and not as bright and garish as she see it

well they still shouldn’t be any different, in a game like ow you really need to be able to shotcall abilities and even small differences like a different sound effect could screw up a call for like an ana nade and then your team is screwed

if it’s client/team-side only then maybe, but it shouldn’t be any different for the enemy

Well i at least think team side as you would want people to see you have the skin and show it off a bit

I think that’d be ok maybe, I mean I like your ideas but I think a lot of people would be upset if they lost a game because an ability sounded or looked different and they didn’t notice it as important

As i said what you see and hear and what the enemy see and hear are already different as it is now in the game

Ults already have different voice lines for your team compared to the enemy team. Certain abilities have additional effects added for opponents to allow clarity. Think genjis deflect. on his screen he holds his sword still, on the enemys screen hes shaking that thing at the speed of sound. Its very easy to adjust effects for different teams

So giving dva unique voice work wont effect enemies as only her team hears that stuff. And visual stuff cant easily be altered for each team. It wouldnt need to be major anyway. Could u actually tell if you were being hit my dvas missiles if they were cannonballs instead??? If her ult exploded and gold coins exploded out of it would it really be that intrusive?

Everyone wants to insist on a battle pass I don’t understand why you want to give them the power to split the player base by $$$. What’s good now is that it’s all equal, we all can grind for free to get every skin except an exclusive. Having a battle pass paying extra for what? A themed season with a themed skin and an exclusive voice line? No thanks I’ll pass and everyone else should too


Rant incoming!

How does it split the player base??? Its not like theyre locking maps/modes behind paywalls which would literally split the playerbase. There are already cosmetics that are no longer obtainable, this is no different.

And personally the reason i want a battle pass is because i need to see my progression in the games i play. I dont like things just being handed to me on a plate which is what Overwatch is like atm. Whenever an event comes out i can immediately buy all the skins on day 1 and it feels extremely unsatisfying.

Im not a casual player who just plays for fun, i like to see my time and effort represented in the game. Battle passes do that for me and reward me for doing so. I like the idea of people who dedicate themselves to something get more reward out of it than those who dont.

Additionally more of a general fact, battle passes allow for more creativity in the skin development. I have hated that for 5 years this game has been forced to design skins around set themes/seasons. With a battle pass, the theme can be anything. Its not surprising that some of the most creative skins are anniversary skins because they get to create what they want with no restrictions.

  • My ideal circumstance for ow2 would be, the game goes f2p, pve is an optional $40 purchase. We get a battle pass every new competitive season, every 2 months. Each season would launch with either a new hero or a new map to make the season kick off with a bang and would alternate. So one season its a new map the next its a new hero…

  • Each season would have a unique theme which separates it from the rest wherein the cosmetics for that season are designed around that theme. Hence the sea theme i proposed. And every season the theme changes and keeps the content fresh and innovative.

  • We scrap lootboxes and the seasonal event structure for cosmetics releases. Instead when you level up you just get currency (gold). You can then spend your gold in the shop for cosmetics that rotate daily/weekly. Instead of seasonal events every season we have a “season themed” event that lasts for 2 weeks whereby a handful of new skins and other cosmetics are added to the store to purchase. For example in my proposed season of the sea, we could have a pirate event or a sea monster event in the middle of the season. This would bring more people back to the game and allow for players who have saved up their gold a chance to spend it. This also removes the staleness and lack of creativity behind event skins outside of anniversary and the dev team can design whatever they want.

  • to follow on to the removal of seasonal events. This does not mean we no longer can receive seasonal skins and cosmetics. In fact its the opposite where they can actually curate specific seasons to coincide with different holidays if they so wish. So maybe we get a Season that is winter themed when its nearing xmas. So nothing would actually be lost but so much can be added

Maybe one season we have a cyberpunk theme, the next a space theme. This is something the current game will never be able to do because they are locked to events for skin designs. Theres only so many summer skins you make before they become bland

See you would like to think that they wouldn’t lock things behind pay walls but that’s what they do. It splits the player base because people who play more money will naturally be catered to more and demand to be catered to.
Throwing more money at something and expecting it to be more creative is ideal but companies have shown us that that is not the case, again money is not an issue for blizzard or OW they have made plenty and continue to. I understand you feel like the game is missing it’s glitz and glam and that’s fine but making a battle pass is not what will make the game better.
What will make OW have more players come back and retain those players is not a skin or some seasonal cyber punk themed event. Better balance and lore will make people come
And stylay

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Man I cant believe people really wanna pay even more for a game they already paid full price for :roll_eyes:


OP really wants a cash grab battle pass added to OW2.

Can’t wait until they lock Doomfist behind said battle pass.

I know it’ll most likely be cosmetics only, but it’s Activision. It’s still possible.


Lore is being addressed with the campaign mission.

And actually the top players think the game is pretty balanced right now for all its worth.

The reason no one is playing is 1. No content and 2. Terrible community

Both issues a battle pass neither addresses nor takes away from.

Additionally balance and skins are controlled by different dev groups within the ow team. So making a battle pass doesnt mean bad balancing, it never has. The people in charge of balance are just bad at their jobs, the people in charge of skins are arguably carrying this game during this stale period

I didn’t say making a battle pass affects balancing it just splits a player base. A battle pass is unnecessary when we get everything for free after the finitely purchase. Younger gamers love battle passes because that’s all they have had but it reality it sucks battle passes work for smaller companies I can agree with but large companies use it to be lazy and as a cash grab.
And please let’s be real the people making skins are not carrying this game that’s just ridiculous. What Carrie this game is the people still playing everyday. And you want these people who have paid for this game put hundreds or thousands of hours into it to pay more? For more skins? Why when we get everything for free already.

  1. People have paid for ow1 not ow2. So that point is arbitrary. You can’t complain about them asking you to pay for ow2 because its a new game and ideally a f2p one so it’s completely understandable they would focus their monetisation on cosmetics like many other f2p games

  2. You still havent explained how it splits the playerbase? This isnt some ea game where only the people who pay can queue for a specific mode. I remember star wars battlefront, not the lootbox filled sequel battlefront 2, but the first game. They had a season pass that had expansions that allowed people to play on new maps others who didnt pay couldnt. That literally split the playerbase since you had people who didnt pay in one queue and those that did in another queue. That is splitting the pb.

  3. Overwatch has been out for 5 years. Since launch they havent charged anything to players. All maps, heroes, events and skins have been freely added except for pink mercy which was for charity. The term ‘entitled gamer’ comes to mind. When youve paid $60 and got 5 years worth of content i think you got your moneys worth. So to say that you deserve everything in ow2 to be free as well is a bit ignorant and frankly selfish.

  4. The skins department are 100% carrying this game. They are the only thing keeping people playing rn. The art design had always been the best thing in this game

Entitled gamer that’s rich, I’m a consumer of a product a product that I payed for fully under the pretense that 60$ Got me everything. That’s how it was marketed so please.
And again you have an overly optimistic view in battle passes and good faith from acti/blizzard and I don’t I have seen this game played by companies before they could easily split the player base by making us pay for comp, go pay to win, ect ect and I will always be on the side of the consumer, why makes us pay more for the same thing. Paying more just so skins can come out faster is the slippery slope you do not want to be on.
And like I said if your playing this game spelt for the skins you have issues

Yeah and you have gotten everything for free as promised… in Overwatch 1. Overwatch 2 is a separate game so stop expecting that you deserve to get all that for free as well. Just because you paid $60 5 years ago doesnt mean you are entitled to a lifetime of free stuff lol.

Well, because this isnt a new thing lmao. Battle passes are everywhere nowadays, in most games. So yeah i have optimistic views of them because they are proven to work at keeping players invested in a game. They are the ultimate player retention feature. Also, call of duty has a battle pass… hearthstone has a battle pass… its not lke this is acti/blizzs first attempt at them.

This is some next level delusional stuff lol. You are literally using the most negative scenario which would never happen and acting as if it’s ‘extremely likely’ pay to win games die, so unless they want ow to actually die they would never go near that. Cosmetics are shown to be the best monetisation method so there is no reason to deviate from that avenue. Especially given how important skins are in ow.

Its not the same thing. Its a change of philosophy from lootboxes and rng to linear progression. No one likes loot boxes, they have to go. Pretty sure people would rather be able to buy the skins they want rather than gamble for the chance to get it.

If you are playing this game as it is not for the skins, then you have the issues lol. No normal person just plays Overwatch for the fun of playing it :rofl: this game is stale as a 3 year old turd with no new content except for the skins

Again this is all really rich stuff you say I’m next level delusional and yet here you are being as overly optimistic as ever when history has shown us time and time again that your wrong.
And no nobody is saying we deserve a life time of free stuff, but we deserve what is offered to us on the premise that that’s what we are getting. OW was billed that way to us, it wasn’t suppose to be a game that had micro transactions abound except for the loot boxes.
You can be overly optimistic and stan for battle passes that’s fine but just be warned your playing with Pandora’s box.
Oh and a final note let’s be honest playing a game for a skin is actually iNsane the fact that you would even log in for just a skin makes that person abnormal at best, that’s some next level weird considering this is game is played in first person.