Throwing in the towel

I genuinely dont care anymore. I am tired of leavers. I am tired of throwers.

Blizzard has allowed the cheating issue to go on far to long. I am sick and tired of exposing players day after day and having my posts constantly removed or being silenced bc no one wants to be honest about the issues plaguing this trash game. I am tired of letting people know someone is cheating in my game and being told no one cheats. I just got out of a game with a genji player who was gold last season and is currently top 200 on the leaderboard. (not suspicious at all) I am tired of solo queing into stacks night after night after night who hard focus me bc they lack the skill to beat me.

I am sick and tired of solo que not being an option. I am sick and tired of the same cheaters going unpunished and this forum saying this game has no cheaters. The delusion is next level embarrassing. I went from Top 500 every season to barely wanting to play anymore because nothing gets fixed in this game. I am sick and tired of watching people throw on my team and sweat when against me. I am sick of investing into a game I know longer feel any joy playing anymore. I have nothing left but pure apathy for this game.

Ultimately I blame the devs for the massive failure this game has become. The OW team from top to bottom clearly values money for skins more than they do developing a game that will keep people playing.

To the legit players still having fun I really do hope the best for you. To the cheaters that do even exist on this forum go jump in a lake of fire.

I am sad that this game has gone this route. Having played since the beta I loved everything this game has to offer. Do I think it will get better…absolutely not. This community has become far to complacent with the state of the game. One simple look at the forums will tell you what people really care about and sadly…its not the actual state of the game.

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Want to play some 6v6 custom modes? 6v6 Custom Modes in OW2

Might perk you up a little.

I am good brother. Like I said I am throwing in the towel. I am taking my 6 million dollar bailout and going home. I truly wish I didnt feel the way about this game I do now. I hope it gets better for you all but I highly doubt it will.


Hard to have fun when you remind us of reality

Fair winds and following seas, sailor!

I do not care anymore either, but I just really enjoying complaining about things and Overwatch gives me a lot of material.

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Who is saying there’s no cheaters? There’s plenty of them. They aren’t necessarily the ones getting banned but cheaters do exist. The streamers are cashing in on cheater vods too.