Throwers are already a problem. Forced 2-2-2 would make it much worse

It’s not pointless in the least.

People generally have different skill levels in their tank, support and DPS play. Adding role SR means higher quality matches in which you’re most likely to play with players that are truly at your skill level.

Not to mention it would make buying alt accounts unnecessary to practice different roles. Currently that’s the only way to do so without ruining other people’s games, yet it’s shunned as they’re compared with smurfs. Not to mention expensive.

They would have to do a SR reset, though, yes.

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Yes lets reset SR so im playing with Bronze players against Gms for a week. Or they could just not do 2/2/2 and everyone crying for it can just uninstall

then they will have low role SR for tank and support.

If you suck at a role you could just not pick that role, isnt that the whole reaon people want 222, is to avoid playing what they cant

I may suck at the role but I do like to play it, I would just like to play it on a level that is the same as me. That way I wouldn’t be throwing but actually contributing to the fight.

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I mean people are gonna throw for literally any reason.

Always make sure to mute, report, and avoid as teammate. Get as many flags on their account as possible.

Then just hit flex if you wanna flex and your sr will go down if you suck, thats the way the game works. Dang, you guys would have role que and role sr and reset sr and would still complain about the next thing

Is this just going to be in competitive or game wide? Because if it’s game wide, I’d rather QP not become anymore toxic than it already is.

I’d be less mad if it was just comp.


I’m not actually complaining. I’m fine with not having 222 actually, I just am trying to see it in a 3 person perspective. I mean lets face it, not a whole lot of people like to flex (hence why we get games like 5 DPS and a heals where people whine about not having a tank the entire match).

Imo, this obviously wont fix everything with this game but we honestly don’t know if it will be good or not for the game unless it is implemented. There will still be throwers, that’s what the report button is for. There will still be bugs to fix like the bajillion that was on Doom. I’m sure the devs can figure out if they want to implement it or not and when its a matter of making more money for the company and their own reputation on the line then they will do their best to make it enjoyable.

its forced 2-2-2. with role Q. u will be locked in that role. tanks only pick tanks. dps only pick dps. healers only pick healers.

if they suck. they get in the sr range for that role. its quite simple to understand.

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I understood this part, yes.

Or they could be carried by their team? I’m to understand that nobody knows how SR truly works but generally if you win matches, you’ll go up. If the rest of the team is good, their SR won’t tank.

people know how Sr works already. it was a big thing in the past. its actually a pretty good system to take out randomness so people dont get boosted as much.

it puts u in games where u have less than 50% chance to win and games where u have more than 50% chance to win. (u hardly ever get a true 50% chance). now u win the games ur suppose to win, lose the games ur suppose to lose. thats ur rank and why people get stuck at a rank.
people climb by winning games they are suppose to lose/have a disadvantage.
if you truly got better or a smurf, that less than 50% won’t really be less than 50% anymore. and thus climbing to where the system where its either less than or more than 50% works.

hope that makes sense.

I seriously cannot believe people think that 2-2-2 is going to be a first come first serve “I have the fastest SSD” change.


What, you mean like a soft-lock where a role closes down after 2 people pick it, so fastest draw gets the dps?

Honestly…i’m down. I don’t for a second believe that will actually happen, but it might at least give me the option to switch roles with a consenting teammate while maintaining the balanced comp everyone wants, so I guess that’s mildly better than the more realistic role queue proposal…

Some people really are so daft they don’t know what they are complaining about huh?

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Sometimes you need more then 2 dps,imagine playing against pirateship and you already got a bad widowon your team. You just lost.
222 for all skill levels would be a bad idea.

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I mean like “limit 2 per role” like you can do in custom games. The first two people to lock in to the role get it. That would be an absolute disaster if they did it that way.

side note: I wouldn’t mind seeing an ability to do a consenting swap of roles, but if its tied to role queue with separate SR that’s not doable.


It’s like pirate ship will be a poor choice soon or something

That’s hilarious, and I love it. I’ve thought about it as an option before, but realized how stupid it would be.

And yeah, that role swap is what makes 222 a no from me. I’m willing to consider it if its only used in comp, seeing as role-based sr is the most reasonable/appealing aspect of the whole concept to me (and since I barely play comp anyway), but I draw the line at being robbed of my ability to swap (consensually or otherwise) in quickplay.

Having a bad widow on your team refusing to swap is already a problem vs pirate ship regardless of 2-2-2.