Throwers and Leavers is OW2 fixing this?

Yessss! I am waiting for Poe 2, I already did some D3 this season and got bored. As per below :upside_down_face:

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I’d be shocked if they launch Overwatch 2 without some big changes to Comp.
I know the big additions are PvE, but they’ve only made that one announcement and focused on PvE. I don’t doubt the rest of the game will be spiffed up too.

Pretty sure Push mode which is PVP will only be for those who bought OW2. Wouldn’t be surprised if new maps are OW2 only too.

Don’t worry, we won’t have a say. Clueless out-of-touch streamers and content creators will get all the early access and the dev talks will happen via youtube or reddit.

you can’t fix this. the only way u can deal with this is a kick function. to kick a hacker or thrower but then thats a leaver.
or have a ff option. to forfeit the match. but u still get a lose. so those are the only ways.

you could also make rank be worth it. like rank up points for a skin. lets say 5000 cp gives you the pink mercy skin. make people try at least but blizzard hates rewards for rank cuz they think its a bad thing for some reason. pretty stupid if u ask me

Same game.

They sold Brood War as new game too, so…

Can’t wait for the OW remaster that’s gonna be just as good as WC3 reforged either…