Three + Winstreak and you'll get thrown into a loser game next match... Never Fails

So I was struggling with climbing this season and have been stuck in the 3800s for a very long time this season 13 (I stay around 3790s to 3860s). When I was 3827 SR, I win three games in a row going to 3874 SR and Season High.

The very next match is a straight up loser game. MMR throws me with a team of three people not in chat. What is worse is the Rein and Zarya were not in chat. These two tanks sucked, no communication, they were Masters, they didn’t protect the team, I told Rein the enemy Rein was going to Shatter him because I can read body movements. Since Rein not in chat, he lets the entire team get shattered. The tanks never grouped up and kept going solo to die and then they both throw the game by going Torb or staying at the spawn. Honestly, this match wasn’t even worth trying win as the Match Making I personally feel seen me on a Season High and decided to throw me in a losing game with no hope of winning.

I lost 27 SR from this game too. Going down to like 3847 SR.

I avoided all three people who weren’t in the team chat because they were the reasons I lost that game. I queued up in hopes to find these people again and get my SR back off them. I didn’t encounter them (but they will stay on avoid for at least 3 days).

The next game was finally good. Entire team of friendly people. All in team chat even if the Zenyatta wasn’t talking. He listened to his team and got the shot calls. Our Rein and Zarya were so well coordinated and worked together because they were in chat. Only our sniper/hitscan damage wasn’t in chat but he was fine on his own. Honestly, I hardly had to look at him to heal him and if he needed help, he would use the I need healing chat option.

In the end, our team work was better than the enemy teams and we won the match along with our Zenyatta’s team save Transcendence that healed over 5200 damage.

So this match took me from 3847 SR to 3869 SR.

In my eyes, the match making is still somewhat 50-50. I can’t be the only one who feels this way in the solo queue ladder.

I don’t know, maybe I should use the LFG next time I’m on a 3+ Win Streak? No matter what, I always seem to be thrown in a terrible game with no hopes of winning it. It’s even worse if the placement player simply doesn’t care or they are on a smurf account while your main will take that Lose.

And the Report Button does nothing. What are you going to do? Report people for not being in Chat does nothing from my experience (I did report the tanks when they stayed in spawn and threw afterwards). If at least the Rein and Zarya were in team chat. Then maybe our team would have at least taken the Blizzard World Attack Point and pushed Payload even if it was only a little. Tanks and Supports need to communicate with each other or it simply no hope in winning. The other person who wasn’t in chat was our Sombra who actually did nothing. No point in being Sombra if you not going to communicate hacks and positions especially when our tanks weren’t protecting us.


If you play enough games in a row, eventually you’re going to get a ‘loser game’.

This happens whether you win or you lose, it’s just easier to see “Win win win loser game” as a pattern than “win loser game loss win loss”, but ultimately it’s not.

And ultimately it’s important to remember that no matchmaking system could have determined that those tank players would have had a bad game, would have thrown if that was, for instance, the first game they had thrown that day. Matchmaking can’t read minds.

I know this isn’t an excuse for their poor behaviour and I’m sorry that you had such a bad experience, but the fault lies in the players and beyond reporting them (the report button does work in my experience, and even if it did there’s no harm in it so long as it’s a genuine rule violation) and trying to promote a positive attitude within the community there’s really not much you, the developers, or anyone else can do to stop that from happening. The devs simply can’t remove players they aren’t aware of, after all.


Yeah. A lot of people noticed this right away in S1.

So, 13 seasons of this rigged BS of a comp mode and nothing’s changed.

Horrible game. Don’t waste your time.


Please use your brain. How can a game and a system know in advance what people will do? You see a lit of people who play different heros on each map or even different heros in every game in general. Someone has a good day, someone has a bad day. The system suddenly should decide that you, one person have to lose? How? How does it manage to find 6 people who deserve a win and put them in a team and 5 + you who deserve a lose in a team? There is no way to predict the behaviour of 11 people. It is just random. Often after a certain amount of games, you also start performing worse


It doesn’t know what people will do.

It knows what they DID.

Won a bunch of games? Here’s some current loser teammates. We’ll call it a balanced match.

Lost a bunch of games? Here, you magically earn better teammates for your troubles.

OH LOOK! 50% win rate!

So obvious over the thousands of games i’ve played on multiple accounts over 13 seasons.

Hmm how did i climb from bronze to plat 3 times in a raw when i wanted to? Maybe you stay 50/50 as you can not generate enough impact to break into > 50% winrate? Maybe you are not making the game changing place in the 50/50 matches? If you are consistantly better than other people in your rank, you will climb. The rest are just poor excuses


Got thrown in a game with instant lock damages. :roll_eyes:

1 healer and 1 tank. Terrible game and maybe my worst match of the season. I seriously need more avoids. I don’t even care about long queue times. I don’t want to encounter those players on my team again.

Now I’m back down to 3844 SR. For Christ’s sake, I’m just going to take a break.

I have the same… I dont know what it is… Everytime im ONE game away from a new SH or even rank… Im losing… So it takes me twice as long to get back, to repeat the whole process again…

Just ended that one game … 6 SR needed… And it was a loss… or wel stomp… Dont know what it is but its starting to be really annoying


Just excuses people like y’all make as to why you can’t climb.

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Just a few days ago I won 7 games in a row. It’s more than 3, I believe.

It’s impossible for the game to force one team or the other to win/lose. The matchmaking cannot recognise if someone is suddenly going to troll, stop communicating, or one team is going to be made of six people that never switch to better counter the enemy composition. The matchmaking cannot improve or worsen your and other players’ aim, focus or motivation. The matchmaking doesn’t and cannot take into account whether you are underperfoming because of increasing frustration, toxic teammates, exhaustion, or any other reason.

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Hes right… ive played every season… just get a season high and quit… or quit after you climb back up to it… then go play COD BR.\

once you hit your season high, youll drop like 300 or 400 sr… be a crabby, keep playing and then eventually get back to your season high… maybe a bit higher, then drop all over again…

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I am starting to think there is something to this “forced loss” idea. I have climbed over 1500 3 times tonight, now all of a sudden still pulling off 15k+ in healing is loss after loss after loss. Back down to 1430.

Edit: Make that 1411…

I just won 6 game streak yesterday. LFG is hit or miss, but get a good comp, and you can climb far.