Three out of seven of my games had leavers in them today

and every single one was on the enemy team

This would annoy me. I don’t like it happening to me and I dont like it happening to the other team.ittakes away the competition of any game because one team has a huge disadvantage.


i’d estimate 5-7% of games have a leaver in them… this is acceptable as far as i’m concerned

I’m fine with leavers - I just don’t think the team who had the leaver should lose SR if they lose the match. Reward the winning team absolutely, but why lose SR when you’re a man down and can’t do anything about it?


It’s open to abuse though… imagine one noblely sacrificing hinself to save his team’s SR by leaving…
Like i agree it would reduce feelsbad if it was a reduced SR loss… but this should be a token amount like (leaver loss protection +4 SR) or something…

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Also not a bad idea, perfectly acceptable to me

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I still believe stacks should be fully punished if they have a leaver but a system for solo q players to reduce or nullify the hit would be great for something they have no control over.

One way to safeguard against abuse is to scale it, so for example 1 leaver reduces loss by 4, 2 by 8, 3 by 15, and so on, but groups don’t receive this, so people can’t sacrifice themselves to avoid SR loss for everyone else

Yea but you can only do that so many times before you are permanently banned.

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there’s a 6 out of 11 chance that the leaver will be on the enemy team.

so the statistics take care of themselves

you just have to make sure you play plenty of games so the bell curve has time to show itself

How will you abuse this if you can get a lifetime ban for leaving? It is not like people can just leave and nothing happens

well with accounts so cheap nowadays, it could be abused pretty heavily. And for what? to mitigate the problem of leavers, something that doesn’t happen all to often and is already solved with today’s current system?

and besides, Overwatch will be free to play sooner or later so we have to solve the problem for that. Furthermore, your solution won’t work on console where account creation is free.

lol what?!?! even though that may be the probability, the possibility of having all the leavers on your team can still occur.

Who says that? You?!?! Leavers happen all the time in plat and below.
Account creation is not free on Xbox, only playstation. But that’s a Sony issue that they refuse to fix, therefore, the suggested system would work for two platforms, with PC being the biggest platform anyway.

I think they should show this stat in your player profile. How many times the enemy team had at least one leaver vs how many times your team did. This way you could verify. And besides, once you play 10,000 games the probability of the bell curve not coming to fruition is about 0.000000002%

this is not a good enough reason to implement a system that can be used to help your buddies out by leaving a game

wtf…probability means jack all b/c of hte possibilities. there is NO bell curve. you have zero logic in this argument, but at least it’s funny to read hahaha

I want you to start counting how many times a 5v6 Competitive game happened. count how many times it happened for your team and the enemy team.

I want you to do this for 300 games

get back to me with your data and we can discuss this topic further

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Yeah a W is a W, but I hate winning cheaply

Yes, do an experiment for tactician using his arbitrary requirements and then he might deign to continue the discussion, but until then your input is invalid and his made-up claims are completely correct.

What do you consider plenty of games? 100? 1000? 100,000,000,000,000? We all understand that at some point SR gains and losses will be a wash due to leavers. However no one including the development team knows what that number of games is.