Thoughts on utility DPS Symm?

When I say utility, I don’t mean “please stand on my teleporter so I can get value”, I mean stuff like speed boosts, overhealth or other ways to help your team that doesn’t rely on them actively making use of your abilities.

Whether she should be a support is devisive, but would people be more open to shifting her away from being a glass cannon/shield melter and further into a utility DPS hero?


Given how Sombra and Mei and Symmetra herself have already fared as utility DPS, I rather doubt you’re going to convinced Blizzard to buff or add any extra utility to her (and they’d just nerf her if they did). They seem to be steadily moving away from that.

Realistically, if people want DPS Sym, becoming a more standard DPS type is the most viable route.

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Well there are quite a few ways she could throw up smaller barriers.

  • Projectile barrier
  • Barrier attached to flying turrets
  • Barrier while charging altfire shots
  • Barrier when using stage 1 beam

As for status effects, I mean at on point I basically suggested Symm’s Shield generator act as a giant heal aura that goes through walls and replaces missing health with shieldhealth.

That said, I did see a post by Ranulf that pointed out that Symm could get a lot more buttons to work with if she had something like the weapon swap on Torb/Mercy.

[OW2] Symmetra Powershift Fix - #15 by GreyFalcon-11737

(Also chill, I’m linking to his stuff, which just happens to be in my own post. I’d link to his post if he went and made his own thread.)

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While I’m personally getting a tad frustrated that the dps role has been getting more supportive utility than the actual support heroes recently…

I’m sure adding more utility to Symmetra could work.

The devs made it clear that utility doesn’t belong to the DPS. Every single utility DPS struggled to find a good place in the game because they were always balanced around the utility → bad damage. And for OW2 they get their utility removed to increase the damage potential.
Utility DPS Sym has no place in OW2.

So no. DPS Sym with a supports kit is a bad idea. Just make her an actual support at this point.

Yeah she needs a few things to make her viable in this fast paced version of OW. I would list a few things that are doable:

  • Make her TP purely CD based, immortal. Use every 12 sec, lasts till destroyed (CD starts).
  • Turrets have to be instant or ultra fast on the spot she targets.
  • Turret CD reduced by 3 sec if destroyed or non present.
  • Longer beam, faster charging Orb.

If you have a Sym positioning turrets well and using TP to create an escape/flanking route every 12 sec or less (with turrets on 5 sec CD or less), thats is a different story.


This is what Mei’s entire kit was built around and they nerfed all of it in OW2. They don’t want utility DPS, they just want to make all DPS do damage. If they made Sym a utility DPS, I have no doubt they would make her useless compared to other DPS.

You’re right, this is why Mei should be a tank so she can have this back, and if Symmetra got a lot more utility she would need to be a support

My super cool opinion on this is, she’s a hard light architect. Let her build hard light spy drones, turret drones, or gun emplacements. Make it so her primary does extra damage if an opponent is getting focused by her hard light devices, and there you have a lore friendly dps Sym who can create rally points for her team.

  • Let sym build more teleporters, let’s have a network of fast transport routes.

  • Let her move her teleporters around to hide them and position them better.

  • Remove the cooldown if sym destroys it. (can’t destroy if under attack)

Let’s speed sym’s kit up to fit into OW2, have her beam level up one level if she gets an orb or turret kill. Alternatively, let it level up based on damage dealt by her orbs.

Make her ultimate do more than just being a shield (shields being not as strong in OW2)

Blizz has never let util DPS be good and has completely sterilized all of them in OW2. I don’t have faith that this would be done properly.

Separately, I use her almost exclusively as an anti barrier DPS because I dislike playing the others, and thus am biased toward keeping things that way, though deep down I unironically think she should be a tank.

She already is utilty dps and she does it decently. Had fun in OW2 and live with her kit. Although I wouldn’t mind seeing cool changes. Especially pve talents for dps sym.