Thoughts on Torbjorn?

On ladder. Idc about his pickrate in OWL.

Just curious how everyone feels about him. I started playing him in the last week when he got 250 health and I was kinda surprised. At like 2 1/2 hours on the season im sitting on a 78 percent winrate.

I dont think hes meta or even that great but man does he feel versatile with the right teammates. Ive been having a lot of fun.

And that shotgun is SO GOOD.

How about you guys? Have you tried him much in the current balance patch? How do you think he feels?

Me? I was pleasantly surprised.

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Almost only use him in FFA. But he is good.

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He’s still niche, but actually good enough in his niche now to warrant running him. He’s felt pretty good since his rework, and the latest patch is extra gravy

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I tried him after his rework and while he felt more fluid, he still felt way too squishy. I think this extra 50 health combined with his overload ability really lets him dictate matchups he used to lose a lot better. Like reaper, hog, rein, mccree

In the new patch he is alot harder to just kill. People are also often caught by surprise when you left click them because most torbs cant aim it. His overload right click can destroy overconfident tanks or mcrightclicks. Setting up his turret as a crossfire option or in a bunker is strong. He isn’t the troll pick many make him out as imo.


Don’t main hin but have about 20 hours played on multiple accounts and have an accuracy of 40+% on average with his gun.

Before it was really difficult to survive against long range heroes/burst dps characters due to his round hitbox lol. I’m dying a lot less lately and haven’t lost few matches (i think about 8) so far. But he’s situational like others have said.

However, people will still get mad when you pick torb.

People forget:his left click doesn’t have damage dropoff and does same as peacekeeper. So while difficult at first,when you master it, he’s deadly.

He’s my go to character when my other dps isn’t doing much since you can provide extra damage with his turret and can hold on your own with the gun.