Thoughts of someone whose favourite heroes are Sigma, Brig and WB

Gosh golly gee whiz, Blizzard!
I really hope you don’t nerf Hanzo and Mei now! I tell you what, if you were to nerf those two heroes into the core of the earth like you were disposing of nuclear waste I would be so very, very sad.
My little heart would break and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if my special favourite heroes that I love so dearly were to get even the tiniest little nerf. Clearly you didn’t mean to make my experience as a tank player miserable by nerfing my two favourite tanks and my backup pick for when I’m tired of playing tank, that’s just part of your effort to ensure a nice diverse lineup of tanks including Reinhardt, Reinhardt, Reinhardt and Reinhardt. It’s fine, no great loss from me. Just know that if Hanzo and Mei got nerfed in the future… I’d be even sadder. All the sadness I get from seeing Sig, Brig and Ball thrown off a cliff like a crippled Spartan baby would be nothing compared to the sadness I’d feel if the same happened to Hanzo and Mei.

Thank you.

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ball got buffed. Mei needs nerfing, she is gamebreaking.

Ball got Piledriver nerfed: targets who get Piledrivered recover from the CC twice as fast now.

nah it’s ball himself that recovers faster after piledriving.

The diversity of HONOR, JUSTICE, Reinhardt, Reinhardt, REINHARDT! Is what keeps this game fresh.

“affected players” are people hiit by Piledriver

oh yeah you’re right, but I saw a youtube video where ball recovered faster himself ater piledrive. Weird. But then again it was unit lost, soo…