Thought I asked y'all to help people with mental defects win games!

tl;dr. Make your game more playable for people on the autism spectrum, or I’m going back to my other FPS.

Not only am I angry, I am disappointed.

A while back I posted a thread about the glaring lack of protection against bullying toward people on the autism spectrum. Five patches in, and none of these QoL changes has still not taken precedence, and I’m out here playing Season 20.

There are a few of us that want to win Winston’s skin too, you know, and Wrecking Ball’s skin as well, do you really have to beat up on that bad player you’ve been stalking the entire time?

You were challenged last year to make Overwatch easier on the mentally-challenged, and make matchmaking more of a “get on my level” kind of ordeal, but it’s been a running trainwreck each time a challenge comes up.

At least by the time OW2 comes out, put in a COACHING feature so that someone playing a live game can learn while they play, and put a level range cap on whom you want to face-off with in all your matches. For instance, I’m only level 394 … a level range cap of “20” means that only players 20 levels above and below me can play. Of course, this variable can be set anywhere you want it, even “no limit”.

And there were some rumors about “hero bans”? How come that never got took off the ground?

This is not a “get good” kind of post, this instead is a “how hard are you getting clapped” kind of post, because that’s all that happens when I go on and play support or tank, and maybe DPS depending on the queue time.

Let’s talk about hog’s hook and what happens after he pulls someone toward him. Or how about what happens when Reaper shoots you at point-blank range. Or Brig’s whip-shot cancel, etc.

I can understand making the game more inclusive for those who handle things differently, but it doesn’t really sound like you’re asking for anything? What is it you’re actually wanting?

Coaching isn’t really something I’ve ever seen as an option like that in… any game? FPS or otherwise? Sorting by level is also pointless. Level is not an indicator of skill, just a show of how much free time you have. For me, I’ve got a gold border and 1 star, which means (I think) level like… 1100? Or something like that. However, I’m only in Plat. That’s nothing compared to the ones with bronze or silver borders in masters and grandmasters or those with diamond borders in bronze or silver ranking. So there will NEVER be a level sorting or anything like that.

Hero bans are something they’re looking into I’m sure, but the rumors were started as a baseless streamer saying look out for something big on the horizon and then everyone ran with it meaning bans. Until or if Blizzard says anything, don’t expect anything. Reading through the brief snapshot of the other one post the link has says that you’re simply complaining about getting stomped which just says that you are just getting stomped. That happens. Its not bullying at all, its part of the game. They can’t kill you very well if you can’t get out of spawn. But what does any of that have to do with mental illnesses of any kind? That’s just the matchmaking the game has sometimes messing up the teams. Heck, I just won a game the other day where we were getting stomped in comp mode and they wouldn’t let us leave spawn. We killed a couple, steamrolled through, and someone capped the point while they were messing with us up at our spawn.

This post is a little all over the place and I honestly dont understand what some of these features you’re asking for have to do with bullying or with people who have autism.



Op, you aren’t referring to These things as bullying, are you?:

Regardless, I’d be happy to try and help get some wins (not that I’m great) and I’m certain there are better players than me who would be happy to help if we understood what it was you needed.

The world doesn’t revolve around you

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Jeff has already confirmed they are hard passing on hero bans at this time.

would you say all over the spectrum?

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Do you remember when or where? Last I heard that happened was a couple years ago when the game had only been out for a little bit so far. I haven’t heard him say anything about it recently.

4 days ago:


None of these have anything to do with making the game easier for people with Autism. I honestly suspect you’re using autism in a toxic way, equating autism with bad players. If that is indeed the case, I really think you should reevaluate this usage as it’s not only disrespectful to people who have autism (some of whom are good at the game) but also is making your point difficult to comprehend.

Huh. How in the world… Well, thank you. I have zero idea how I missed that as I check the posts and never saw that one. Thank you for pointing it out, that one has a lot of great info in it.


As someone with his own set of issues, how about we start by not calling them “mental defects”.

You’re welcome! Expect a dev update soon as well :smiley:

Oh and he commented on the topic of 1-3-2 composition recently

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At my current typing speed, which is somewhere in the ballpark of ~45 wpm, I don’t have the “speed” to pull all of those “pro-gamer moves”.

We all have our own mental issues. Doesn’t mean we can impose it on others just cuz.

Saying i have X affliction do Y is unreasonable.

Do you have a specific request or idea for mentally handicapped players to take advantage of? I didn’t see any in your post, just curious, besides the “coach near your level” but that could be used for anyone and doesn’t have to do with your mental capacity

What do you mean by more “playable”? This game is perfectly playable for everyone else it seems, so I think it’s a subjective term. You have to elaborate on your version of playable.