Sombra hacks Quick Play this weekend, adding limited-time changes to the game.
Changes for your reference. We look forward to your feedback.
- Respawning times are now 75% of their original time.
- Payloads in Escort and Hybrid maps will move 60% faster.
- Taking control of the Objective Point in Hybrid is 40% faster than normal.
- Taking control of the objective point in Control is 40% faster than normal, and scoring the capture progress percentage is 80% faster.
- Taking control of the objective point in Flashpoint is 20% faster than normal, and scoring the capture progress percentage is 40% faster.
- When you play an Escort, Hybrid, or Push map, the initial match time has been reduced to 70% of the original time, and any time extensions are also reduced to 70% of the total time added.
- These changes only apply to all players who play in Role Queue and Open Queue Quick Play modes during the duration of the event and will return to normal after January 14. Competitive Play and Arcade modes are not affected by these changes.
One of the main strengths of Overwatch, compared to BattleRoyales/TacticalShooters/MOBAs is it’s lack of downtime.
This is the devs seeing how far they can push that advantage.
TLDR; – QP has been updated to “Quicker Play!”
I think it sounds good. Nice to see some big bold changes being thrown around.
Will be super interesting to see how the game plays.
I’d kinda like the hero select/pre round down time reducing too.
Let me elim enemies by dropping the beat on them again plz
This sounds horrible. Will be avoiding Overwatch this weekend. Glad I already finished the battle pass.
These types of things are seen in a more positive light when game balance isn’t a total train wreck btw
you literally created experimental mode for players to volunteer to playtest bigger bolder test swings. i know it’s said in the FAQ that you guys want more people to play it BUT I THINK I WOULD RATHER HAVE THE OPTION WHETHER OR NOT. my entire 5stack just isn’t going to be playing this weekend while this is active bc we want regular qp. “invite people to play in a custom lobby if u want old rules” is not quickplay lmfao. i dont get the logic. if people want to play this they will actively select the mode anyways. you’re just guinea pigging when you had less intrusive ways to do it before with experimental AND the old ptr.
TLDR; - QP has been updated to “Experimental!”
Edited for accuracy
Just use the experimental mode. This is exactly the kind of thing it should be there for.
Mode has been officially renamed:
Lucio or Lose!
They probably made QP participation mandatory to get the largest data set possible.
I demand these changes be made to competitive mode as well. That way the data will be complete and everyone has to suffer equally.
I understand why, but if it’s the cluster you-know-what that I expect it’ll be, then it just means that I won’t be playing this weekend.
For everyone’s sake, I hope this is fun.
Hyper-mobility characters will be essential here - Lucio, Sojourn, Sombra, Soldier… everyone who can move at more than the normal walk speed.
I see more than half of the changes are purely to make stomps less painful. It’s not about making it more fun; it’s more about hiding the real problems under the rug.
Tbh I’m looking forward to it. I really want Blizzard to put out some daring changes to see what sticks. What about a 6v6 quick play weekend