This patch fixed 1 problem and created 10 more

This is the reality many players do not want to accept. There’s way too many problems to look at one thing we think is good and think it’s helped the game overall. The best thing to do is revert the entire update and just look at a select few support heroes and nerf them slightly. That would go a much longer way to tackling that and without ruining the game for anyone not a hitscan DPS main


They ruined most of the support roster, too.


tanks die instantly whether they get headshot or not, its not like this is going to change much

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or it revealed how healing orientated supports are only strong due to raw healing output and offering little utility outside of their healing
ana, bap, kiri, zen, lucio are still strong picks
heal oriented characters like mercy and lw go down a poo poo chute bc most players only know how to healbot

It’s not a skill issue when specific heroes are designed to be healbotty.


Life weaver has thorns that is amongst the highest dps in the game. He has life grip and a petal to help reposition, and also stops grav and sigma ult
His tree also stops dva bomb

Mercy has blue beam

Other than that, just play any other support

The 25+ minute DPS queue’s are back(masters+ and you also see the same 100 streamers/players in 80% of the games) … and add another 25 minutes between games because nobody wants to tank…



Lmao i imagine dva x)

For the rare times you can headshot her she will take almost no dmg with a 50% crit reduction

Except they don’t. Quite the opposite. Lucio and Zen are 2 of the top supports at the moment. Both have relatively low heals. They are picked for their abilities and because they can do damage, and Lucio can enable rush and go in with dive.

Nothing to do with healing.

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The fact that it’s a HoT makes it even worse since it means that the player being healed doesn’t even need to be within the raidus of Inspire or in line of sight of the Brigitte player to get healed. They just need to within the raidus and in line of sight when she hits the triggering shot.

Further to that, Inspire has always been triggered by Whip Shot which has always had a cooldown shorter than the duration of Inspire meaning that the uptime was always pretty good since the shots not that hard to hit. Where as compared to Lucio, you loose access to your one key bit of utility in Crossfade: Speed when you switch to Crossfade: Healing. Brigitte can effectivly have Inspire active all the time if she can hit her shots. Any Lucio worth their salt has about a 60:40% uptime ratio of Crossfade: Speed:Crossfade: Healing speaking from experiance of playing Lucio for about seven years at this point. I’d argue that’s quite a difference in uptime.

So I’m really not sure how you can argue that the radius is justified. Within less than a year of Overwatch 1 being release Blizzard realised that Lucio having a 30m radius on Crossfade was problematic and nerfed it by two thirds… And then released Brig a year later with a 20m range inspire…

Yep, I stand corrected on that point, I misread the dates on the change-log.

Ah yeah this is a wording thing. The emphisis is on the ‘and’ but that wasn’t convayed in the way I wrote that. I was implying that used to be double the healing in addtion to double the radius of Lucio’s Crossfade which it’s always been double Crossfade since she was released. I wasn’t trying to imply that she had a 40m radius on Inspire don’t worry.

That’s true but notice how before Moira was released (who has large scale AOE healing in both Biotic Grasp and Biotic Orb) Multi-Tank comps weren’t a thing and when there wa concerns that they were Blizzard nerfed Ana’s Biotic Grenade to shut them down. So considering that Slambulance comps didn’t really exist between the Biotic Grenade nerf and Moira’s release, it becomes quite clear that she was an enabling factor.

As I explained above, Biotic Grasp was (and arguably still is) clearly a problem. Further to that, It was D.Va that was swapped out for the Damage Hero (which more oftern than not was Sombra) as Zarya was needed to enable Reinhardt.

I have no way of finding statistics from six years ago on her Pick rate so it’s difficult for me to comment on that however your point here mostly supports my argument that Support Heroes were the problem since Ana was still good even after the nerf. But the thing that’s most interesting is that the Defence Matrix nerf that increased it’s cooldown from one to two seconds didn’t come in until well into the GOATS meta and that was what was giving her a huge amount of power as any good player could essentally eat projectiles sent the D.Va player’s way. So I’m not sure that the armour change is as impactful as you’re making it out to be. Again, it’s difficult for us to tell considering we don’t have access to statistics on Win Rates and Pick Rates from 2017-2018.

I would agree that the blame is not soley on Supports (especally when it comes to the shift to 2-2-2), Tank and Damage heroes did factor into the decition and as I’ve said previously:

However, my point stands that AOE healing was a key factor in enabling Multi-Tank comps and at no point did Blizzard publicly atempt to rework Brigitte or Moira to curb these types comps, instead they changed the format which they have conistantly done as an almost “Band-Aid” solution to the problem.

Further to that, if you beleve that these Tank Synergies were the problem, would you not be arguing a simlar point but with Support AOE Healing swapped out for Tank Synergies? The same argument can be applied if that’s what you beleve was the problem, why not make an attempt to curb those Synergies rather than change the format?

Finally, I’d like to note that at no point here have you explained which Tank Synergies were a problem or why. I’ve explained what I think caused Multi-Tank comps and why those causes were a problem so I’m curious, which Tank Synergies were issues were problematic and why?

Don’t worry, I know healing wasn’t a direct issue, but more so from a constant cascade of butterfly effects leading to this point in time and making it “look” as if it was the issue.

I just dumbed it down in the main post because I don’t wanna sound like a parrot saying how we got here in the first place. Your post pretty much sums it up

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Or it revealed that some characters were designed to provide little offense and be mostly support-oriented, and now they’re awful because they can’t heal.

Lw has two repositioning abilities
Mercy is just hold left click and right click

Its almost as if those heroes are necessary for a balanced game and turning every hero into Hitscan DPS, Worse DPS than Hitscans, Hitscan With 600hp and Hitscan with some self healing is going to turn the game into compost.


Utility. They bring a constant amount of damage buffing and speed boosting.

The Zen who forgets to heal or can’t land his shots and the Lucio who is only really speed boosting himself fails.

i would love that they revert the patch for tanks keeping their new health only, just to hear how they are going to keep saying that tanking is still awful