This Mei change is proof the devs can get it right!

I edited it further if you wouldn’t mind reading

And well yeh, mei isnt necessarily a must pick on ladder, even at GM shes only really picked in response to the other team picking her, since the team without the mei has a huge disadvantage. Kinda like how a single good widow can dictate a match and another widow is often the only answer to her.
And yeh maybe at the end of the day it is subjective. There’s an echo chamber of opinions in the scene i find myself in so i guess its inevitable I get stuck in such a train of thought. Gotta be less hard headed I suppose

Anyway, thanks for being literally one of the most reasonable people I’ve ever discussed with on the forums. In the end its agree to disagree but for once I don’t feel like i wasted my time here. Hope you have a pleasant evening :slight_smile:


Tank Mains: dont do that, dont give me hope.


they should probably revert her freezing nerf time change they gave her last time with the ammo change tho haha

What, and have the forums break down and cry?

I mean, I am pretty sure that they see that as a good thing (rubs chin).

I don’t think they will go for that though.

hehe maybe they will make it so she cant freeze anymore at some point and just super slow an enemy.

Just let snowball do the freezin


Diamond+ this is not true. Played from silver to GM to see how the hero picks change, and Mei was always a strong hero up until high masters/GM, where she became an extremely strong hero.

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Untrue. She’s been a solid pick for a while now (certainly not always) up there, but not a must pick. She’s got an average win and pickrate in GM.

Hello, I’m a GM Mei-main. Very happy with these changes. Chain freeze wasn’t much a benefit but having more shooties is

I’m so happy that Mei got nerfed that I’m not even upset that my main (Rein) also got nerfed!

Are you ignoring the buff?

What’s the actual math on this? Cuz it doesnt even seem like it really changed anything. We have more than half the clip but half the ammo cost lol.

A good mei isnt gonna just hold down the frenzy freeze that long anyway. But I’m still interested in the numbers. She seems like she reloads a lot but I also alt fire a ton.

-40% on freezy gun ammo, +20% icicle ammo.

If you don’t spam left click it is a buff.

My idea for nerf mei: Permaban and IP ban anyone who picks mei in competetive and inject harmful code into their PC effectively bricking it. And also call the UN for attempt at human rights violation. And arrest mei players IRL. Sentence them up to 10 years in prison. And give them lifetime ban from playing multiplater games.


Don’t tell me whether I am happy or not. I am not happy about this change at all.


Don’t hold it all in, tell us how you really feel.

Ok, I’m happy, and a lot of the other mains have been.

I mean, when do you just hold down left click until your ammo runs out?

Right click was always more useful.

where did this whole compensation thing come from? like rando community members decide where a heros balance is.

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When I am pressuring a Rein, a brig so they keep their shield up instead of smack me, when my victim gets bubbled or uses an escape ability (moira, reaper, genji, fist, enemy mei etc). Now 2 right click shots and you don’t have enough ammot to threaten anybody at all. This is a nerf


You don’t need to be spaying into their shield to be a threat, just you being there is the threat. That you can start the moment the shield comes down.

If they don’t respect that, spay them the moment the shield comes down.

The pressure isn’t showing you have fill their shield full of goo, it is that you can fill them when the shield drops…

Good reins, if you do spray the shield will wait for the reload, and swing swing cancel into firestrike you, and it is good night nurse.

That’s 250 damage right there.

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A rein charges in all glowy and ready to kill my Orisa, he notices he is being frozen, he panics and puts his shield up and starts backing up. The threat of the freeze is there. Most Meis do use her right click more than her left click but the threat the left click creates is essential to keep people away. Now using it is a liability because this ammo drop is too steep for it.

With 200 ammo, they’ll be waiting long enough for my entire team to punce them. With 120 ammo minus whatever I use for right clicks before he came into my freeze range is… NOTHING