This is interesting to say the least

So after a support (2) winstreak it starts dropping me into gold teams while the enemies remain plat, i thought interesting. I win 2 more of those games, then I get thrown into a game where we get an actual unranked brand new player tank who doesn’t know anything about the game.


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Are you sure your SR wasn’t near plat? If your gold SR is near plat it will influence your queue

My supp sr is right in the middle of plat, I forgot to mention that.
That’s why i found it realyl strange to get gold games.

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Its avg SR vs avg SR.

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You will be matched between gold and plat preferably low plat to mid plat so definitely expect plats to be in game also sometimes you will get plats because the game has no other gold players to have you queue against so it’s just a matter of getting a game instead of wasting your time

Sounds exactly like the Overwatch i know. They’re trying so hard to FORCE and even match, that you literally get punished for playing well by earning yourself some true idiot teammates.

You get hard mode if you’ve won a lot.
You get easy mode if the system thinks you need it.

It’s RIGGED as heck. And you’ve just witnessed it. Keep playing, notice the pattern.

The game would be much better if they just created random games, and let players naturally find their ranks. Instead, the system is trying to force an even match no matter what. So 2100 for instance, isn’t 2100 for everyone all the time. It’s easy if you’re on a fake win streak. It’s hard mode if you’re the designated carry.

Fatal flaw of the game.


I’ve been in around mid-high plat for quite a few seasons now and I did notice that there’s 3 true “tiers” of platinum.

  • Gold/Silver/high bronze border players that are actually plat
  • The smurfs and/or the people that didn’t yet play enough games to get to their true rank
  • New-ish players accidentally hitting plat

The issues arise when the matchamker takes too long to realise that the 2nd category of people shouldn’t remain as long as they do in plat, and when the matchmaker puts newbies into ranks they don’t belong in.

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I totally understand you here OP.

I’m no high rank myself, only high gold. But even I start to wonder why I deserve completely new players in my games. Just yesterday I got a level 34 kid who had only played for a week!

How am I getting this, and why am I getting this? He was the lowest level on both teams, with a level 407 being second lowest.

Do they actually exist? In Diamond I’d say the team with the most sub-50 lvl players is the team that’s going to win :slight_smile: Seriously that’s like the first thing I check at the beginning of the game to manage my expectations…

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We were greeted with a squeaky voice saying he was new and had played for this week and really enjoyed this game so far. It was a nightmare to keep him alive.


In mid-high plat it’s a coinflip between really good smurfs and actual new players. Usually it’s my team that gets the latter lmao.


Last season around 2k I was getting games from 1600 to 2450.

1600 games easy as enemy mechanics so abysmal I’d frag out with Moira.

2450 games, won all 3 of them as I kept my team alive and got carried. But my mechanics not good enough to be a productive team member at 2450.

1800 games hardest as support as team mates bad enough to be hard to keep alive, and not get kills, but enemy not bad enough for me to kill them easily.

That just means you need to get better until you think of them like you think of the lower rank. Then the same will apply to gold, plat, diamond, and even masters. Once you start thinking like that in terms of GM players, you’ve reached OWL level.

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Yup, I’ve started doing at least one death match before each comp session. Great way to warm up and also to practice mechanics.

If you’re playing dm vs diamond Widows you learn pretty quickly when you make mistakes as you die instantly. Especially when you turn up in their potg as one of their 3 head shot kills in six seconds.

100% people were grouped and you didn’t see

That I thought of as well, but then the 5th group member would need to be really high plat to get him and his 4 gold buddies into a mid plat game. I just don’t see a reasonable matchmaking scenario where this should happen, whereas the 5 out of 6 enemies are all plat as well.

Other players, myself included, have been talking about this for over 2 years.
Why do you think these topics are constantly coming up in the forums?

The speculations in the forums went so far that even one developer talked about it. Read Scott Mercer’s post and ask yourself what might have happened.

I got the same thing the other day. It’s great that these unranked low level players are always on DPS too.

There’s bad matchmaking, and then there’s just straight up toxic matchmaking.