I don’t know. I do know that 100% of feedback would be ignored with your system. You eliminate every player and developer voice.
how to balance overwatch
step 1: give a little buff to heroes with the lowest win rates
step 2: give a little nerf to heroes with the highest win rates
step 3: wait a month and go back to step 1
sure there may be a little subjective input from devs and the community along the way. (and sometimes heroes and abilities get reworked) but these steps are the majority of the process, it has to be. you’re not going to nerf a hero that has a low win rate, are you?
Symmetra and Sombra disagree. Sym has a big nerf coming and Sombra was just nerfed and has 2nd and 3rd lowest win rates.
are you getting your data from Overbuff? can you link it? I rarely use it. I’m going to look right now.
um sym has second highest win rate across all ranks on PC currently
yeah, not sure why they nerfed Sombra, she has the lowest. Like I said, it’s not 100%
I think they nerfed Sombra because there was no counter play to her Ult. Since she is lowest win rate, overall, mark my words, she will be getting a buff in 3 months or less.
With the 2nd lowest pick rate.
pick rate doesn’t matter
Yes, it does. Less than 1% of the overall picks are winning 54% of the time.
And with your system, Sym would have about 10,000hp because your system is all about pick rate.
and if you buff sym because her pick rate she will be OP
it’s the players fault they aren’t picking Sym
no it’s not, it’s about win rate
every OWL player tries to win, that’s not true for the ladder. I just wanna play Bastion win loose or draw.
My fault. I was wrong. I still think I have provided enough evidence to show your system doesn’t work.
a hero with a low pick rate and a high win rate in OWL, would be fine with my system. You know why? Because OWL players would pick that hero with the high win rate. They obviously don’t do that on the ladder.
Reading all the anti RQ threads can be summed up as selfish DPS who want to justify refusing to tank or heal.
For the rest of us , we don’t care to see the “no tanks no support” message in any of our matches ever again.
I think the best thing about role queue is the individual role SR. But what did we have to give up to get that?
There’s a few kinks in this, but I think it would work Individual Hero SR
also we should’ve use LFG to ensure good team comps QoL for the LFG but until this gets here, role queue will suffice.
This post isn’t anti-role queue. It’s anti everything that touches overwatch. I’m definitely eager to give role a chance, but I just think there’s a better way.
I think it’s really we weren’t trusted when left to our own devices so Blizz is going extreme.
they owe us a good LFG
you can’t leave someone to their own devices when you use a matchmaker to make teams
yeah, we were left to roam free in an oppressive system i.e. matchmaker. (oppressive in the sense that you have no control over who is on your team)
I think matchmaker is decent, but there’s better ways to go about it. Like giving us a good LFG interface.
Nice. If only knowing what things could be could actually help you make a successful multiplayer triple A game.
Disclaimer: you have no idea how things works because you’re not in the business. If you were, well make it yourself. It isn’t that easy. You’re what I call a backseat game designer.
the only thing i can think of that makes me regret roleQ…i was about to be that player who would 1 trick pick a widow…turn off voice comms and chat and just chill with some tunes…becuase playing tank and support and being a team player just hasnt worked for the past 2 years.
you’re absolutely correct