This is how i view Mercy's state

It’s quite sad for me, I love’d Mercy for her healing and the fact that she is a angel who rescues you from death. I joined the mercy train quite recently,
But with the nerf to the healing i find that if i’m healing a team mate as mercy they most often die, I think personlly that mercy can’t keep up with the other supports.
I mean this is just my opinon, You most likely have others and thats good but this is just mine if anyone is wondering.


She has the most powerful ability in the game “rez” which can insta heal a dead hero and in of itself is very game changing. Rezzing a Dva brings with it a huge amount of value.

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i see youre new here, this post is probably the 102348020387 time this sentiment has been posted, it doesnt go anywhere, nothing changes, it just incites arguements, plz dont.

I respect you’re opinon, However i will keep supporting mercy.

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i didnt say stop supporting her…i said keep this pointless whining off the forums, the rest of us are pretty sick of it. And its literally a waste of your time, the devs arent listening to this kind of stuff.

Yeah you have a point but its still a little nice to rant every now and then.

I’m trying to play her as a off support. That is if my team is either running an Ana, I can rely on Ana to keep up our tanks while I would try to engage with damage boost if Winston or doomfist dives in the enemy’s back line or boost Snipers to get some crucial picks.

Otherwise, Ana or Moira is a better choice for solo healer.

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Yup! With the nerf, healing is sluggish and impossible if the enemy team can focus fire and rez is near impossible, nor is it fun. Mercy needs to be reverted/reworked again.

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Wait are you the person from youtube? If you are i love you’re videos.

Mhm! <3 Thank you very much ~

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She’s in a really bad spot right now, and needs to be fixed. The healing needs to go back to 60 (though they need to figure out how to do this without breaking the game). There will have to be a rework at this point. I wrote a couple of pieces about this with lots of stats.

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It’s has so much info! I like it.


I’m a professional mathematician who really likes Mercy, so I’m making it my mission to attempt to advocate for her with math.

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Well, let me tell you this:

  • I have 800 hours on Mercy.
  • I have 5% of that time on Moira.
  • I have better results on Moira by a huge margin… It’s not even comparable.

If that doesn’t speak for itself… :neutral_face:

Yeah. Moira is much easier to get value out of than Mercy by far. I don’t understand when people say that Mercy is the easiest healer. Moira and Brigitte are both much easier.

Well, technically she rescues you from a few seconds of timeout and running back.

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