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You reload either way, except one version delays your reload and adds swap time to heals which are an invaluable loss to heal uptime for a hero that can only heal 1 person at a time. Damage when theres an opportunity or your team is cleaning up, not when they’re taking damage.

Lasering people outside of 10 meter range is a joke. The travel time makes dodging those thorns so easy.

This is especially true against the shorter enemy heroes (ana, tracer, lucio, etc) where weaver doesnt have to adjust his vertical aim to get headshots.

Fr, Weaver is big and its a drawback but… his height actually has that 1 advantage :sweat_smile:

Even gold players question this pairing. It’s that bad.

But it gets run anyway because the Mercy player is a one trick and the other support is determined to make Lifeweaver work no matter what. :smile:

Lmao, he’s not a healbot character. The way Healing Blossom works is proof enough for this.

If he was designed to be a pure healer, he wouldn’t have a charged projectile heal. And even if he doesn’t use fully charged Blossoms, he averages out at around 48 - 52 HP/s. Less than Mercy, who is more of a healbot. He has no other way to provide meaningful healing, without the Tree of Life. Your ‘healbot’ hero has one designated healing ability. Because the heal on Life Grip saves noone, the Invulnerability it provides is what saves people.

Not using Thorn Volley is what’s actively putting your Lifeweaver at a disadvantage, as he is simply not contributing to his full effect. I can average out the same level of damage as most Moiras, whilst having upwards of 8-10k healing whilst having around a 50/50 win ratio. Sure, it drops sometimes, as Lifeweaver’s a situational hero and I’m slowly becoming a one trick :joy:, but I’ve never had a win rate lower than 48%, since his buffs.

Don’t try and tell people how to play their hero, when you clearly have no idea how to play him. There’s a reason Lifeweaver/Moira gets value and Lifeweaver/Zen gets you a loss.


If I see someone who need a heal, I will heal them.

But if no one needs a heal (because there’s no one near me, or they’ve just been topped up) I am going to use my weapon to try to do some damage, maybe even get some kills. I do this with literally every support I play. Top up first, then if they’re topped up, I DPS. Obviously the exceptions to that rule are when I play Zen, Moira, Illari or Brigitte. As long as I have an Orb on someone as Zen I will DPS, and for Moira and Brigitte, I need to DPS to get the most value out of them, I can’t just sit back and heal with them. Illari on the other hand is a support where I’m only DPSing if my pylon is up and everyone’s topped up.

I didn’t let them die, they got themselves killed. I would also love you to know what elo I’m in :rofl:

Which you could have prevented but didn’t. By that logic there is no reason for you to heal them mid combat ever.

No healer can outheal stupid.

Watching Reinhardt players leeroy into entire enemy teams while their support are running trying to catch up. Seeing Orisa or D.VA players just run in and attempt to tank with their face without using a single defensive etc.

They die in seconds, and no matter what support I’m playing, nothing short of popping an ult is going to save them, and my ult doesn’t recharge that quickly.

And don’t even get me started on the tanks or DPS that run around corners and still expect a heal.

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Outhealing is not the point. You buy time for them to actually do stuff because and I cannot stress this enough, they are better than you at doing stuff because you’re on lifeweaver.

You’re kind of inventing scenarios and imagining I’m making the wrong choices though.

If I can save someone, I’ll not shoot enemies to save an ally. If someone is beyond being kept alive and it’s just a case of slightly prolonging their life, your attention is better put elsewhere.

OP is asking people to never fire at an enemy, I was pointing out how ridiculous that was.

This is the same person who blames Lifeweaver for pulling them out of awful situations that they were 10000% going to die in, and scream “I was about to get a kill!!!”

Again, they die in seconds, sometimes instantly. I’ve literally seen an Orisa player get burst down in the time it takes me to charge Lifeweavers heal, and spamming the heal does nothing to prevent tank death in those situations, the amount of healing a spammed heal can do is easily outdamaged by what the enemy team are throwing at the stupid tank.

I’m not kidding. Orisa dies, spawns, runs in and goes from full health to 0 in the time it takes me to charge a heal if they’re not using defensives to mitigate some of the incoming damage.

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His damage is not that bad.

No. I’m the one who defends LWs pull ability constantly. Sorry that I do not excuse poor support plays as a support player.

:joy: Oh how I wish this were true

I buy people so much time on a regular basis for nothing. Even when I feel like maybe it’s a lost cause, I usually can’t bring myself to let someone die in front of me while I secure the kill. In certain cases, that’s a weakness of mine

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Then your team is not benefitting from LW so you either go heavier heals or you go an offensive support. failing to heal people on LW doesn’t mean you can then go and fail to kill people on LW,

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Healbotting loses games, hands down. Keeping one person alive when value may have been higher letting them die for a team fight win is an important decision support has to make… but most people in metal ranks don’t realize that.

For example, my Soldier is standing in front of and getting targeted by three enemies, and he’s about to get two kills. LG is on cooldown, why let those two kills just get healed back up when the Soldier is going to die anyway, no matter what kind of healing I pump in? Even if Soldier dies, it’s 2 for 1, and the team fight is still in your favor.

The Soldier would probably be mad, but only because they don’t see the bigger picture which has FAR more impact on winning than simply just surviving.


Again, not true. I’ll relate a real experience I had recently.

I’m on Lifeweaver and stood next to my Hanzo. A Genji engages us. Hanzo takes significant damage and I put my trust in the player, healing it away so he can dispatch the Genji. Whiffed shot after whiffed shot, I’m not just buying this guy a little time, I’ve practically bought him a decade, but he misses every shot. Genji has deflect up again, Hanzo shoots himself in the head.
Now left alone, I have to deal with the Genji, but successfully kill him.

Was healing the Hanzo worth my time and resources? Did another teammate die because I was too busy buying Hanzo so much time? Was the Hanzo “better than me at doing stuff because I’m on Lifeweaver”?


Here’s the neat part: if I’m able to concentrate (by not worrying about healing this person), that squishy is getting deleted. Thorn deathray to the skull. Done

This this this this this literally EXACTLY THIS

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Stop inventing extreme scenarios for healing or not healing. If they’re close to cover stop dpsing and heal to buy them time to get to cover. If they’re feeding stop healing and dps away.
Or just pick bap so you can do both at the same time. There are much better options than lifeweaver if your dps has 1% accuracy and you need to do their job for them