This hero pool has taught me one thing

It is harder to take care of a Pharah than you think it is.
I refuse to play support in this pool because in Diamond it seems to be Doomfist galore and I cba to deal with that.

So I decided I’d use this opportunity to practice my DPS in Gold, mainly Ashe. I knew beforehand that taking care of a Pharah is more difficult than people think. But being the Ashe pressured with doing this at the moment has made it even more clear.
If the Pharah has a pocket and I don’t, I need at least two or three shots to take care of her. Meanwhile she can use cover and blast me with the damage boosted rockets. And when I die, I’m the one getting blamed for every following kill the Pharah does.

Please, HELP your hitscan whenever you can. Don’t just blame them for losing a 2v1 fight, ask if they need help and do so if they need it. Even if it’s just a support staying with them or a Mercy pocketing them so they can take care of that Pharah easier. Instead of pointing fingers all the time, try to understand why they’re struggling and help them out.


You should try being the Mercy who is trying to keep both the Pharah and the Ashe alive at the same time. One of them is always pissed off, both of them are usually dying. Barely have time to damage boost anyone. Makes me want to go hang out with Bob.

This weeks hero pool will deliver some interesting feedback.

Well jokes on you, I am that Mercy in Diamond so I know what that is like actually. I tell them both that I will boost whoever seems better in a situation and if they can’t deal with that then they can baby rage all they want.


Wasn’t a personal insult, dude, relax on the rank pulling. I give them each a shot at boosting, but if they’re doing nothing, then obviously they get de-prioritized. Doesn’t stop them from being upset. It’s really difficult to tell at the beginning of a match who is going to be popping off and who is going to just shoot shields all day.

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I’m not rank pulling, I said I’m playing support in Diamond literally in the first few sentences of my original post…

And if you don’t know which one to boost, switch between them. Pay attention to hitmarkers, switch to Pharah once you boosted Ashe’s dynamite etc. There’s a couple of things that’ll tell you which one is better to boost and when.

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ppl sometimes such a stupid individuals, thinking that someones rank in thier game is worse than thier current rank for some reason

Most people tell me to go back to playing Mercy when they don’t realize that I could probably run them over if I played her or any other support.
They see that she’s my most played character but don’t realize I’m a Diamond support overall.

Yeah, my aim isn’t good, I’m Gold DPS for a reason but I’m still in the same rank as them so :man_shrugging: People just see what they want to see and makes them feel better. And a support main on DPS mostly is just that, a pawn and reason they can put the blame on.