This game's players are still toxic

Yes, text chat is nice because you can actually get banned for what you say in it. Voice comms are toxic because people aren’t banned for what they say in them. Many people still just complain and flame for the sake of spreading their misery to others.

I leave my profile public to help my teammates or for the curious to see, just for people with private ones to enter voice comms and flame everything for whatever reasons they have. Now morons have more than a mic to hide behind. The game’s players are toxic, there’s always some rage inducing belland in voice comms, I don’t care if they are toxic otherwise, I just don’t want to interact or hear those people, I want to experience healthy social interactions during matches, please make a working system that lets annoying idiots get banned for what they say in voice comms so it can eventually become as clean as text chat. And if they get silenced, they should still be able to hear people while not being allowed to speak or type.

I’ve bought the game twice and spent money on lootboxes to try and support the devs and it’s worth it, I love the game, I love the art, I love the sci-fi lore, I love the intricate stories that you guys have planned. But every match I enter leaves me feeling extremely anxious because of what people say or do or because of what they might say or do. Why do I care about strangers? No idea and I keep telling myself that I shouldn’t care, but as soon as I’m anxious and tilted, I’m pretty much throwing and I have to take a long break before I can play again. This game’s players are honestly damaging my brain so I am done, my profile is private, chat is off, voice comms are off. Want me to switch? Too bad, I can’t hear you, sorry that others had to ruin the fun, you’ll have to trust my judgment regarding what I pick.

Jeff and the dev team are awesome, I am really sorry if I come off as rude in this post but my recent matches have left me feeling physically sick because of how stressed out the players make me now. The internet is awesome in some places and should be awesome in more places, but it has turned so many people bitterly sour, especially in gaming. I just want to play my heroes without toxic morons completely stressing me out by focusing on everything that I am doing rather than their own actions. Back when I played Halo and Xbox with adults as a kid, it was all fun and games, people would trash talk in a fun way, now a lot of it’s just personal. People take jabs at whatever they can just to make you feel like trash. I wish I could understand why people behave like that because if I could, maybe I could tolerate it and use communication features again.

I wish Overwatch would just crack down on people being utter dicks and enforce healthy social interactions during matches.

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It’s an stepping stone process one at an time. Let it take it’s time.

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Yep, I am just posting what I want to see as a result.

A game that is completely toxicity-free is so ridiculously unrealistic, so don’t even bother to ask for it. The same for balance, but I feel like they could be working on balance bit more

You are free to post whatever you, but any Dev answering to this thread will be extremely rare.

I got someone banned because I was on stream and they were being outrageously toxic and racist.

Video evidence helps lol

A better world is built on dreams.

The quote is just a reference, I care more if it’s read by them than responded to.

I can empathise and sympathise.

No one should ever feel depressed nor suffer anxiety attacks like you are at the moment. I wish that as a father of two children, i could say or do something to make you feel better instead of closeting yourself off from virtually all communication online. My teenage daughter was bullied in real life by her classmates in the classroom and online via instagram because she did the right thing, out of concern of her classmates, in informing her teachers that a couple of her classmates were “cutters”. Her teacher, confronted the two students and told them that my daughter told her that they were mutilating themselves. Fortunately, it was the final few months in her grade school before they all had to leave for Junior Highschool. The bad thing is that it affected my daughter’s grades although she was very brave about it. Throughout the ordeal, my wife and i would talk to her daily, and just be with her.

Similarly, i have made friends and kinda of “adopted” two young ladies who are in their very early 20s on my server. Both call me “papa” and “uncle” out of respect and of course, as a jibe on my age. One is lonely because she is studying away from home in China and another was bullied to the point of having to spend that USD10 change her nick to avoid the harrasser. Suffice to say, i have done what i could to comfort, console and just hang out with them online in game and i am glad to say that they feel better for having a sympathetic and empathetic ear and voice online.

I wish that i could do the same for you and others on the U.S. servers and i would just like to say that, please do not be afraid. Be wary, yes but be brave. The OW Dev team is doing all that they can and so are many other positive-minded OW gamers. Moreover, just think of it this way, maybe someone else in the match is being bullied. Maybe you could be that person who could have reached out to him/her via chat and tell the goons to stop it. (Yes, i did that to a few infantile goons ragging someone a couple of times).

Reach out, don’t shut out. (^^)b