This game takes no skill

Play Sym, habe a winrate over 60% then u can complain😉

😠😡😠 Skill! đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€

:cowboy_hat_face: Only head clicking equals skill.:cowboy_hat_face:

If you’re a master head clicker, you’re a true alpha gamer. :sunglasses:

:face_vomiting::nauseated_face::tired_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting: Sym and Torb players don’t deserve respect. Only betas and weaklings play them. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

So :muscle:t3: RISE UP ALPHA GAMERS :muscle:t3: and take back what’s ours!!! Click those heads and show everyone who’s boss. :sunglasses::fire::sunglasses::smiling_imp::v:


You failed your Math class.
– hero pick-rate win-rate
Torbjörn 0.93% 56.45%
Symmetra 0.71% 55.24%

They have the lowest pick-rate because they are used only on very specific maps, and never again. It’s called strategy (and also points out they are useless most of the times).

If you can’t aim, you’re not going to win on either of those heroes.

Though idk Soul, maybe you and OP are playing games at a skill level where people can do stuff like that. :man_shrugging:

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Torbjorn and Symmetra are niche heroes. They excell in only a few cases, but perform poorly in most others. What a low pickrate and high winrate means is just that the hero is being picked where they’re strongest, which is not much.

If Symmetra was too string, she would have a much higher pickrate.

Obvious troll thread.

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Don’t worry bud this is since day 1

Surely op isn’t getting outplayed by a no-brain turret, right?

“This game takes no skill” - OP

Ok OP, if you think that, why arent you in the OWL?

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winrate to what pickrate and what map you’re missing variable so you’re completly wrong

Why’d y’all take the bait?

Okay, go climb to top 500 then if they’re so easy lol.

Add mercy​:joy::v::star_struck::shushing_face::relieved::smirk:

Firstly every hero has a “no skill” ability and you cannot define their skill from that one ability. Secondly winrates do not mean much when their pickrates are very low. Which means these heroes are only used for their niche.

If I am the only GM Bastion player and win one game with him that right there is a 100% winrate. See the issue with winrates?

Symmetra - Yes.
 he’s a sleeper pick rn esp with the Widow nerfs.

TBH bait posts do get lots of views. Not sure why.

Most heroes have some kind of low effort, instagib abilities. Cant really hate on one heroes ability, while Junk and mCrightclick, trashfist exists.

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Well, sometimes they’ll charge in, feed, then blame their team. That’s a lot worse than simply dying.

I would think auto-turret PLUS skill contributes to the high win-rate.

There’s something separating the Torb’s and Sym’s in the lower ranks from those in the higher ranks. If the common denominator is auto-turrets, then I would assume skill is the difference and determining factor.

And if both teams are running these “no-skill” characters
 then other factors to consider would be the comps of the team, the skills of those other players on non-no-skill heroes, counter picks, communication, game sense, cooldown management, etc.

Sounds like maybe this is less of a Torb/Sym issue. Could it be some people just don’t like getting outplayed?

I didn’t read all of the replies, but did anyone alert this person that those winrates have actually declined over the years? They used to maintain 60%+.