This game punishes you for playing in a stack

Remember that cool LFG tool they added? It sucks. Why?
Everytime i use it i end up in 3 minute plus queue times.

This might be unpopular opinion, but i dont see any reason why you should be punished with long queue times for stacking. Thats why 6 stacks should also be matched against any other player including solo queuers.

Something something balance.


Ha, I get 3 min queue times playing solo.


you know its three minutes because everyone is for the most part too lazy to actually use it…like many of the role queue complaints you see on here actually do get solved if people use it…but nope

its on us…not blizz…

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People dont use BECAUSE it has long queue times.

yeah NOW theyre long…cause noones there using it…it works both ways…i used it a lot when it came out and the queue times were no different than not using it…NOW its long

No, the game should not make horribly unbalanced matches just because you don’t like slightly longer queues.


The games dont become unbalanced as team coordination is part of a players skill. If you decide you prefer solo queue because you dont want to bother to work on getting better as a team, then thats on you.

Overwatch as a team game should not discourage you from staying as a team.


An organized 6-stack has an objective and inherent advantage over a randomly made team of solo-queues. Putting 6 solo queues against an organized 6 stack is absolutely unbalanced, no matter how many mental gymanstics you try to do around it.

Also, this definitely sheds some light on the other thread you made in which you asked for 6-stacks to be mandatory in competitive, and claimed it was totally not because you just wanted faster queues.

You’re going to get the same response now you got then. The game is not going to be catered around you just to save you an extra minute in queue.


i also wanted to throw in…IF people are not using it because they blame it for long queue times…then what exactly is the point in people continuously asking blizz to implement a automatic system you can queue into…wouldnt that also have “long queue times”

People don’t avoid LFG because of long queues. For the most part, it’s because you’re running the risk of being placed against a much more organized 6-stack.


As a solo queuer you also run risk to run into a team of solo queuer which happen to build a better team comp than you do. This is basically a non reason.

If you 6 stack and try to build a team, then people will leave at the first sign of a loss, because they dont want to deal with 3 minutes plus queue time for a chance that the team might get better next time.

If there were no difference to solo queue, then people would stack more often. Which is better for the game as a whole.

If I was getting matched against six-stacks as a solo-queuer, I think I’d quit the game.


Actually in my experience solo teams get more coordinated when facing 6stacks.

If a team of solo queues plays better against another team of solo queues, it’s simply because they played better. A 6-stack has an inherent advantage over a team of solo-queues. The two are not comparable.

Again, it’s not balanced in the slightest. You just want the game to be catered to you so you can queue faster, giving flimsy made-up excuses to try to justify it, just like you did before.


Or you could just make a stack yourself.

you know that honestly bothers me also…and this is why:

you are getting into a 6 stack so that you have the chance of a more cohesive team going into a match…but then people get mad when they themselves go up against other people doing the same…like what is it supposed to be? a guaranteed way to a victory? a for sure way of getting an advantage…it does exactly what anyone would consider fair…pair you against people doing the same…

like if thats honestly what people want from the system then im glad they arent “listening”

Yeah if my team gets a decent distribution of players where we can build a team comp and the enemy team consists of 3 Torb one tricks and 2 Mercy mains plus 1 Hanzo, we clearly win because we were the better team. /s

The problem is there are pre-made 6-stacks that play together regularly, as opposed to the LFG 6-stacks who just group up for a few games. It would be different if there was a seperate matchmaking specifically for LFG groups, but that would likely be abusable and quite frankly, I don’t think the game has enough players left for it to work anyways.

well the solution is not to have separate queues for groups of friends and groups of random people if thats what youre implying…you think there are long queue times now…