This game is so bad. Change my Mind

4 throwers in a row. the ability of one person to ruin the game for five with no penalty is so annoying. It takes so many reports for an apparent thrower to get banned. Why does blizzard let people act like this?


I’ve been having this issue too in gameplay. It also sucks that the reporting system – although never officially confirmed – seems to require something like ~100 reports in a specific period of time (I’ve read people on this forums say it has to be in a 1 week span), which isn’t always feasible. Often times by the time a troll has sufficiently ruined a game, it’s been 1 hour of just misery and everyone wants to get the hell out of the server as fast as they can – they don’t care as much about reporting.

This leads to trolls/throwers/smurfs/leavers essentially being given free reign to play as they want and the onus is on US – the gameplayers – to be responsible enough to all report him for the same rule violation in a specific amount of time. Trolls/throwers/leavers know this so they try to circumvent the reporting system. I only report extreme cases where there is pretty much no possibility the person was having a bad game, yet I continually run into specific toxic people in my rank and they don’t seem to be punished at all.


Blizzard doesn’t care.


…about the general competitive ladder.

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I still want to play on what I now call ‘beast ladder’ after your post.

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LOL, and when it happens, and I see you there, I’ll definitely throw you an invite!

If we didn’t have to play with other people, this would be a great game.

I agree, Overwatch is an absolute trash game but throwers arnt even close to why. There balancing and lack of fixes completely ruins the game and makes it no fun to play. It’s sad to because overwatch has potential to be one of the best games but blizzard is probably the worst company ever in terms of balancing.