This game is probably

I’ve just been playing it a lot less lately, it’s boring without friends. Just been playing various PvZ games and Terraria, and I’ve been enjoying myself a lot more.


Method of finding people and maintaining a community in-game is very lackluster, yeah.

I’d say there are two things to start that’d help immensely:

Guild Systems
Allowing at least a trio queue in GM

Endorsements are long forgotten for most people, I only ever endorse when I’m grinding for levels and the 150xp will add up, I don’t even care who I’m endorsing.

Nobody cares about an extra 1-3 lootboxes every 2 weeks, we already have everything we want in the game. Most lootboxes give crap anyway. “Oh a player icon and 3 sprays, how exciting!”

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What gets me is how a lot of players get so hatefully angry when playing. It’s not normal or healthy.


If they’re going to force me to play with a friend group to have fun, then they shouldn’t punish us for it by placing us with higher ranked players either. The matchmaker is all kinds of screwed up, it’s ridiculous.

I remember when I first started playing Comp I was solo, my first placement was gold, but I was happy with that because I honestly didn’t know what I was doing at all and I was like hey I’m not bronze, that’s awesome. Then I started making friends, many of whom were better than I was, teaching me things, etc. We’d group up and play together and we’d get the hardest enemies I’d ever faced, we’d just get curbstomped. Whenever I played solo that didn’t happen. Eventually I read about how the matchmaker thinks that if you’re in a group you ‘have communication’, and thus have an advantage, so it tips the game by making your opponents harder/more skilled than you are on average so that it’s ‘more fair’ to even out the fact that you’re a 6 stack and surely in voice chat.

It’s absurd, the whole game is just screwed at this point, I can’t imagine convincing any of my old friends to play it again, and all I ever meet in game are trolls and jaded people like myself who are sick to death of it but haven’t broken the habit. I only make the mistake of playing once or twice a week now, but it’s a mistake every time.

Shouldn’t be that way man.


I think at that point it’s time to walk away

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Solo most of the time

You’re right

Overwatch had its 2016-2018 moment was the “Novelty” and the “Multiplayer King” game. The dev team had about 2 years to make this game more “Skill-based”. But sadly they continued in the same. With its “Play to counter” and more “RNG”

Whenever I play Apex Legends or CoD-Warzone I have a lot of fun and enjoy the games because it is 100% my fault if I win or lose. After a game of overwatch I feel frustrated even winning, since the game does not respect my “Skills” as a player and allows the opponent to change to counter.

OW-2 will go “Dead” if you don’t change the game system to something closer to apex legends.


Consumer wise its literally the most friendly in terms of not being riddled with insane amounts of mtx. Every other game has so much mtx it may as well not be worth bothering.

I imagine for OW2 it will be mtx heavier than most games in the end. Which totally sucks. I’d enjoy OW1 while you can.

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Oof, only advice I can give for solo is pick a hero who can do most things like Soldier.

That way it’ll still suck, but it sucks a little bit less.

Thank you. Your opinion has been noted. You may now continue with your day.


Why does this sound like how Blizzard responded to the protests :joy:

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I wouldn’t say it was the developers, it’s the business mistreating it, I’d be willing to bet money that the developers would give it wayy more attention if it was up to them, but it’s not, it’s up to the business

And seeing with the latest events, it’s honestly not really surprising, Blizzard just don’t care about anything other than money

Not even close ya matchmaking isn’t great but it’s atill really fun when it gets going.

I remember a while back Jeff did an interview speaking on that.

It was something like the devs had so many fun ideas for Junkensteins revenge but they had a quota to fulfill or something.


That doesn’t surprise me at all, Jeff seemed really passionate about Overwatch so the fact it has been neglected and that he did leave strikes me very much as the higher-ups just prioritise money

Heck the fact that we’re even getting an OW2, when OW is built very much like a standalone game, suggests that money is being prioritised


Because not everyone thinks or feels the same way as you do?

I think we the playerbase need to stop expecting major content releases given the fact that they’re working on a sequel. OW is a 5 year old game. It’s rather normal that content updates would slow down.

If you take even a few weeks break from OW, the rust will collect. When you log back on for some chill QP, the sweat kiddies will be there on lvl 29s, already bffs in stacks u dont get to see.

If you let your skills rot for even -5% of the playerbase, the rigging will kick in and really make it hurt. They got you, and if u dont want to look like a total washed scrub in a dedgaem, u have to stay installed, grinding through the same trolls daily.

I think Overwatch has drastically improved over the last months.
I could not play it a few ones back but right now I am having a blast with it.

Most of the heros are totally balanced and I have no real issue with any of them.

Widowmaker …

Depends on what you’re looking for in a game. For me personally theres not another decent game that can take on Overwatch. Battle royales are a joke and Paladins is up there. If I strictly desired an MMO experience then I’d be playing MMOs and the same goes for MOBA games.