This game in a nutshell right now

Damage boosted headshots also play a role there.

You spelled Hammond wrong.

Sigma/Hammond wouldn’t be a DoubleBarrier comp.

Who said anything about double barrier comp?

Lucio isn’t your aoe healer of choice if you are running double barrier, just to hit on your point a bit.

My goal is to increase barrier strength on Orisa/Sigma to their previously strongest values, while making it so that if your comp doesn’t have a, then it’s a cheese comp, because it’s vulnerable to Dive.

So Hammond being able to deal with an enemy Dive comp, is a feature.

Every meta of Overwatchs history has been about keeping sniper hitscan heros in check.

Dps mains looking to scapegoat- Nerf tanks and supports more. Proceeds to get meaningless slap on the wrist nerfs while tanks get made more frustrating and difficult with every patch.

But Dive was the only one that did it using Offence, instead of excessive Defence.

Because Blizzard released a hitscan sniper hero with an anti dive button other hitscan to compete with that.

Meanwhile we keep nerfing sigma instead of just nerfing the hitscan behind his shield that stop his counters from being effective.

Easy fix. Nerf almost all the AntiDive that isn’t from OffTanks.

I would give up damage, cool downs and power of the ult from orisa to have good shields again… she is the same anchor tank as reinhard… the team should be save behind a shield and not break in the blink of an eye…

I saw the icon and thought “wow, this is an uncharacteristically bad post from HiddenVoice”

That’s generally what I’ve wanted for awhile, but blizzard just slaps em with insignificant - magazine size nerfs that accomplish nothing.

Remove coachguns enemy knockback entirely.

Remove McCrees reload and roll cooldown buffs

Revert soldiers helix rocket buff.

Revert sombras hack refund “seriously we just lost sigma as one of the few playable tanks into a decent sombra, atleast let us actually punish her for bad hacks.”

Make widowmakers grapple break when damaged.

Nerf antinade to 50% antiheal " this ability was balanced for a time when tanks were far more effective at blocking cooldowns then they are now"

Ah yes another person that wants to turn overwatch into another twitch shooter like COD, or Seige,
OW is an FP hero shooter but blizzard designed it to be different then othet games out there and i am glad blizzard strives to be different instead of copying soneone else

I figure instead, do something more like this:


  • Nerf the AntiDive on Brig/Sig/Bap/Orisa
  • Revert knockbacks to how they were in 2018, except for knockbacks delivered by Doomfist/Tanks
  • Make Mei a Tank

You got some good ideas but 15m for that accretion nerf would make it only useable on specific spots on specific maps. I think letting Dva eat it is enough “and what they should’ve done instead of that moronic redeploy cooldown”.

Well, objectives are typically 20m wide.

So making it not work inside 15m range would mostly mean it’s worthless for stuns on objective fights.

Where as if it can land during the “poke phase” of a fight? All good.

That would just kill the ability. You can’t make abilities not useable on objectives, it’s an objective based game. Even 1-2m would be a harsh nerf that would let heros like Doomfist have a field day.

So increase the stun at a distance, so he can fish for those rock+primary kills.

Ultimately Sigma and Orisa should be vulnerable to Dive, if they don’t have a Hammond/ to bail them out.

If you think that tanks don’t die in the current patch, i don’t know in what world you are.

I have a pretty different experience as Tank tbh. Just melt in 0.000001 unless I have Ana perma pocketing me.