This event sucks

The developers have already made their stance on this topic quite clear. No amount of complaining on the forums will get you your way, but by all means continue complaining and you will continue to see that it gets you nowhere

When does the competetive CTF ends?

Tried it for the first timr and its quite fun. Except for the part where everyone get mad cause I play Torbjorn.

Kinda have to agree. Normally I no life Overwatch during events in the hopes of getting everything, but there’s so little, I honestly come back every day just to play some Comp and open whatever boxes I earn in that time.

I only really like the Reaper and Zen skin, the lack of voice lines and well…everything kills any hope for Blizzard actually making the game enjoyable again. The recent nerfs and most of the buffs are, in my opinion, evidence that Blizzard just doesn’t really care about the core game. They only care about the OWL.


you get enough people complaining and not buying loot boxes they’ll change their attitude

No, I will complain about it.
I will continue to say what I don’t like
Saying that they’re just going to focus on Quality of LIfe changes (when they can’t even do that) and stop with events isn’t good.
Games need new things to keep people interested in them.

When does Anthem come out?

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Feb 22👌

Two days after Jellys birthday😄

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I really wanna play it too, I hope it lives up to the hype, til then I have deluxe KH3 to look forward to

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Wow, make sure to tell me how it is,:smile:

Whew that escalated quickly.
Are you always this quick to unload your gun when there’s a single Chinese-related thing in a videogame?

The forums is a small minority compared to the entire playerbase, the majority of the playerbase just plays the game instead of complaining on the forums

Then I guess Blizzard, at least as the company we used to be fans of, is being effectively shuttered for the perceivable future.

  • WoW has gone really stale, with the armory and other parts of Blizzard’s site left in such a mess it is easier for them to link to WoWHead than fix it.
  • OW isn’t adding new events/adding to those events, ignoring the pleas of those who REALLY WANT TO LIKE the game in favor of riding OWL and Twitch into the dirt.
  • Remasters instead of new games in those franchises.
  • What new games are being developed are not for us (yes, I do have a phone).
  • I guess Hearthstone is okay if you like that sort of thing.

RIP Blizzard 1991 - 2019
“Gameplay First”


You can no ones stoppin you, but like i said it won’t get you anywhere. Probably most people who play OW just play it for what it is, a 6v6 team based shooter. If you’re expecting more than that then i suggest you look elsewhere

Even other team shooters have regularly added content to keep things fresh. Adding these events has been what kept people regularly returning. I suppose if Blizzard doesn’t want people to return… shrug I guess that’s it.

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“RIP Blizzard 1991 - 2018
RIP Blizzard 1991 - 2017 etc.”

Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

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For you sure, unless you actually thought that a few ppl complaining on the forums means that the game is dead

You seem to not be keeping up with what has been happening if you need to cherrypick like that.

Speaking of parts of websites that need to be fixed:
us blizzard com/en-us/company/about/mission.html

You, yourself, have said that #5 doesn’t apply here.

Okay then.

Not really sure what your point is, but the game is not dead and won’t be for a long time. You and a few other forum goers saying the game/blizzard is dead doesn’t make that a fact. It certainly doesn’t matter when you’re basically saying “ded gæm lul”

Log in
Do weekly arcade boxes
open boxes
Log out
Wait 1 week.
Commence again
Log out
Login towards the events closing.
Purchase desired skin from accrued coins.
Log out and wait until next event commences or until anything interesting may be on the horizon.

Blizzard has best methods to keep players engaged in this games universe, clearly nothing can be done to make it any more interesting.