This event sucks

That’s true, I’m never against new things or change either, but I see others using it as a reason to put down the base game. Which thinking about it, is probably just a minor pet peeve of mine when I hear someone say “X sucks cause they don’t have/do Y” etc. lol

I think it’s because there hasn’t been anything new for such a long time.
I remember when the new Archives event came out, I was set for quite some time.
But since there hasn’t been anything new…

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Additions keep the game fresh, which every major shooter has done to some point, adding to the base experience while not replacing the core gameplay (which may be tweaked around a bit though). Take a look at how Counter-Strike and TF2 turned out with the addition of new modes. Doing that keeps the player numbers up so those who enjoy various modes can have reasonable queue times.

Not all games are yearly dumps like CoD.

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Something to go beaching with Beachrat would have been perfect, though I do like the walrus skin.

A giant pig innertube. :joy:

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Same event, new skins. The more times we do it, the less it feels like an event and more like a staple thing.

Much as I like Chinese culture and the new skins. I am bored xD


CTF comp is just get a tank, a lucio and use Lucio’s speed boost to cap the flag. its really unbalance. Another fail event on Jeff part.

Yeah, It’s disappointing.

Same. I like this event because I feel relaxed, there’s nothing I really crave.

So therefore… I can save my coins! Yay!

Update: I’ve now gotten THREE non event legendary skins from loot boxes. After weeks of getting almost nothing but duplicates.

And have I gotten a single new event skin? Nnnnope.

Feels bad.


this game would be dead without cosmetics. its the only new thing that ever comes to the game

Pandering to China’s totalitarian regime will pay off in the long run. Same thing with omitting any mention of democracy in the game’s lore.

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I love how they changed the name of the post it was Can we tell jeff that this event sucks but it was shortened to this event sucks lol


pve, pve, even if it’s old stuff we need pve, it’s not that hard Blizz.



Every event should have a PVE. Even rehash Junkentien can get you out of a rut. Especially, when your having an awful losing streak.


I am already done with the new capture the flag thing after 1 day. But I’d be ready to put a week of playing into the archive event in Rialto or King’s Row if they suddenly re-activated that mode. They were so fun and a great break from normal gameplay

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Do you know what an opinion is?

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Yeah I’m not going to grind this event tbh, most of the skins just aren’t very good. Not to mention I’ve been getting hosed for like the last 3 events, just terrible terrible drops, and when something did drop, non-event.

Not even worth logging in for the events that don’t have a decent pve event.

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You think? I haven’t played Overwatch since Christmas Eve.

That’s unlucky, I got 2 legendary from the first free box lol (3 or 4 skins so far)