I like that i get SR for each role, and that I get less whining about comps in the game but people still find things to whine about when losing and always will.
I heavily dislike that there’s more DPS than support or tank by design but we’re still forcing 2-2-2 so DPS queue times are sometime over 5 mins in Diamond while you can find a support or tank game in like 45 secs almost every time. I also dislike that barrier tank and high throughput healer will always be meta now.
Right now, you play with 5 random people and have little control over your own SR. In my opinion.
The playerbase is toxic because of THIS.
If you logged on, played comp, and received a rating based more on YOUR play, it wouldn’t be as frustrating.
Is it perfect in a team game? No, i feel people will still need to play as a team in order to get their stats up and personal SR.
Right now, some random idiot could emote in the spawn and you lose the same SR as they do.
Never needed 222. Only needed to get people to their actual ranks faster, which was hard to do when the game tries to create an even match each time, but doesn’t give enough SR to the people who are trying vs. the people who are trolling or throwing.
The problem playing OW ranked is that so many people are NOT playing with teammates who know what they’re doing. So it feels like babysitting, rather than playing a game with equals. Heavier PBSR, i think, would help separate the good from bad much faster.
PBSR is still prominent below diamond.
Diamond+ is more focused on how many wins you’re able to get, with less (if any) PBSR.
This change was made to encourage people to work together as a team.
Previously when PBSR was stronger and effected all ranks, you would have top500 one tricks with negative (less that 45%) winrates. And yet they still climbed.
That is not, and never will be okay. Hence why they changed it to only affect low-ranks and why PBSR is not the answer.
Give the system some time and it will figure out your proper rating. You need to play a minimum of 20 games for the matchmaker to have an idea of where you belong. The game has been collecting data on your roles/characters secretly for a while now, and its just trying to combine that data with your sr and adjust your rankings from there.
I hate PBSR. More damage is not always better play. The video above legit encouraged DPS to try and pad their stats during placements with bad damage that just gets healed and fuels support ults.
I can’t agree. i have done 7 sets of placements so far (35 games) and I have seen numerous indications of better skill than I have ever seen before. I saw a plat reinhardt from behind me (probably best on our team) notice my attempt to push left side and actually pay attention to his dps without mics save me from the 1v2 I was about to get stuck in and we won that fight off of it.
I have had baptiste players actually put their ult in front of me so that I can get kills as soldier and destroy their tanks and even time it right (never seen once in over 1000 games in plat and diamond since baptiste came out).
role queue is going to move some players around, and sometimes you get autolosses while people move to the appropriate rank, but I see plenty of indication that those who are good at their role will move up
Not often, but weird teams win games. Me and my buddies played 3 dps strat a lot and were very successful climbing to platinum. Now seeing 2/3 of heroes locked makes the game less enjoyable in general. Worst change in OW, in my opinion. Why does Blizzard get to decide that 2-2-2 is the only strat this game should be played?
When will people understand that there are plenty of people who are at the SR they are because of flexibility and not only skill? Obviously when people are forced into roles and are primarily flex players that their skill per role will decrease. Give it some time and it’ll get better
That’s not how it works. Matchmaker only attempts to find 12 people with the same MMR and put them in a match. It doesn’t consider level, or SR, or anything but MMR.
I think you meant: Welcome to a game without authority, and honor from it’s players.
Platinum is above average.
I don’t feel as if Blizzard should have made so many DPS heroes. Some of them, in my opinion, don’t seem to justify their role. This is just my opinion, which could be completely broken and bad ideas, so I don’t expect anyone to agree but here some are:
Mei - could get a larger health pool, maybe less healing, and be added to tank role.
Sym - could probably go back to having teleport or shields, and be in support. (Don’t revert her completely back to season 1, but possibly her ult)
Doomfist - I don’t think his differences make him deserve a role in the game.
Sombra - I don’t feel like she brings enough to warrant a position.
Torb - I feel he too could be removed without damaging the game.
Ashe - I don’t think her uniqueness is enough to warrant her being a hero.
I know that some players have put a lot of time into these heroes, are great with them, but I think they could have achieved their same levels without these heroes.
I also agree with the comment better for the pros doesn’t mean best for the game in general. I will go further and say “Balance for the top 10% doesn’t equal good balance for the game.” This group doesn’t represent the population that are keeping the game alive. If the “bad” players leave, the game is done.
The big issue isn’t “growing pains”. It’s a lack of authority from Blizzard, and a large percentage of the player base acting as if they feel they must live up to every negative stereotype ever conceived about gamers.
I’ve lost games because of:
Widow Maker with quite possibly a 50% critical hit rating, who left the game 5 seconds before it ended so that no one could report them afterward.
Teammates that typed “today is a throwing experiment” and then proceeded to stand in place, only moving to avoid the timer, or to try and find an opposing player to kill them. Even once the entire opposing team started to avoid dealing damage to them, they still stood around doing absolutely nothing.
Multiple teammates left a game to avoid winning, once the timer was up after opposing player left/disconnected… We lost first point on Lunar map, defend second point. Someone left during this point. On attack, we steamrolled and took for point. There was no indication that leaving was going to be much quicker than getting the first tick on second point, especially with opposing team being down 1 player.
Teammates choosing Roadhog and Wrecking Ball as tanks to attack a Bastion/Orisa.
Mei and Reaper players that run from Wrecking Ball that’s spinning around the payload, destroying their support teammates.
Reinhardt trying to solo spawn camp the opposing team, on a two control point map, where the attackers have spawn advantage.
Hanzos/Tracers/Widow Makers/Doomfist players that threw at the end of last season just so that they could troll lower ranks.
“Battle Mercy” and other support players that would rather fight than to heal/boost anyone that isn’t Roadhog.
Teammate that kept asking for people to group up outside of our spawn when the control point was at 95%. After first round, I explained to them “there wasn’t time to wait on everyone to spawn. You have to make it to the point to get OT. Then you try staying alive long enough for the OT bar to give the rest of the team a chance to make it there.”
Now for the reason’s I’ve won games:
Sniper Zen that was smurfing. (Yes, I reported them. Cheating is cheating. Doesn’t matter the team they are on)
Hanzo that was smurfing.
I started a 1v5 fight defending Anubis point A, because it was less than half captured… (We had multiple ults), after I didn’t instantly die, Mercy joined me, we cleared the objective.
Leavers/Disconnects on opposing team.
DPS choices from opposing teams made no sense.
I wouldn’t bet on this.
You do realize that high level players are intentionally throwing games just to try and say “see, I told you I needed an alt account to practice.”, right?
There’s is nothing perfect for a team based game. It’s why they have always failed, and will continue to do so.