They were right, Sombra mains weren’t going to be happy until she became meta

Common Sense says: Everyone is happy when their main becomes meta.

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My dear, you really should have read my clarification, as it would have saved you the trouble:

She is still useless in pub games.

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the only ranks where sombra is above the top 5 lowest pickrated characters is diamond master and gm.

You are in plat. You literally do not have a sombra meta because A. you do not have the teamwork to make her useful B. she isnt even above the top 5 lowest pickrate characters

There is no sombra meta in ranked, sombra is getting more popular in diamond+ but shes still barely used below diamond


Re-read what i said pal, you will truly find the meaning in my words.
I did reply exactly the same principle you are applying. It has nothing to do with viabiliy (soldier is not viable nowadays), it has to do with “independency” (soldier is quite independent from his team).

Yeah, its quite on point.

Looks like you need some stats…

Dva is the most ran hero at 61:37:18

Sombra is currently at 18:02:39

So Sombra is picked 1/3 of Dva.

Sombra is the 2nd most ran DPS, which she is trailing Widow who is at 19:42:31

Sombra is definitely more powerful than you give her credit for. She is not OP like the OP suggested, but she is far from being ran in 1 match only.

sombra is only above above average in power in pro tier.

Ranked will never experience a sombra meta unless the game changes drastically very soon or sombras kit does

If i see plats and below complaining about sombra being powerful or ‘meta’ i will chew them out hard simply by overbuff statistics alone.

Sombra is in the top 5 lowest pickrate between bronze to plat, there is no such thing as a sombra meta or sombra being powerful in low ranks.


No we do not want her meta!

We just want her to be balanced right not whatever crap we got in pro play.

And she isnt even at pro GOATs is Sombra is just the best counter together with doomy boy

For everybody who says you should balance only around pros:
No you should not it doesnt a hero needs to be balanced around as much rank as possible.


But it’s so easy to make Sombra solo que friendly. Nerf the range of EMP and tighten up her spread. Boom, now she is still highly effective in coordinated teams, but she is also as friendly to use in solo que as Mei, Reaper and Junkrat.

I’m not asking for heroes to be must picks, but for them to be able to exist well outside of pro game style organized team.

Most Sombra players are disappointed with how difficult she is to us at lower levels since she depends on her team to follow through on just about everything while the rest of the damage crowd can more or less scrape buy on a match by match basis.

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Tack on less power to hack and I’m on board. Tightening her spread would only make her a more lethal Tracer, of which we don’t need.

If she’s going to be more powerful outside of her hack, then her hack does not need to be as powerful as it currently is.

It’s like when Ana got the heal through allies and the nano boost change and her mains cried that it made her worse or that it wasn’t going to help her and look now.
They disappeared and Ana is meta.

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How about more extreme fall off, but lower spread? Most Sombra mains don’t appreciate how good her mid range ability is, and mostly base her utility on her less than 10m encounters.

Please get your facts straight before putting words into the mouths of Sombra players.

Sombra is not “good now” or even remotely close to “meta”.
She’s the 24th most picked hero.
She has the 26th lowest win rate.

This thread is based entirely on an (incorrect) opinion and smacks of “I hate being hacked so let me convince people Sombra is OP”.


You are in plat where she still has a minuscule pick rate. In fact, she has a terrible pick rate everywhere on the ladder except GM where it is mediocre. In no way or form she is meta outside of pro play.

Still raises the question of how powerful it would be to pop someone from behind.

I’d take less damage over falloff.

You’re misconstruing things. We’re angry because when they nerfed her in March, they didn’t take the logical solution (ie, just make hack slower again, so tanks aren’t screwed over), but instead just made hack unreliable. It didn’t fix the problem of tanks being unable to react, and it made Sombra go through months of being buggy, then get pointless changes that nobody asked for

Would it be any worse than Tracer? Tracer has more DPS at 240 compared to 160 for Sombra. That’s without headshots, mind you.

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Having to fight to be the Ana doesn’t make me happy. I preferred getting yelled at and having to prove people wrong to this.

Depends if they have plans on implementing a clan system (Guild = RPG, Clan = FPS right?). It basically gives you a group system with members list that is regularly curated by clan officers that actually works with your playstyle. Clans tend to work well with specialists (Ace Pilot, Ace Tank Driver, Ace Sniper, etc.) even the obscure ones (Ace Saboteur, Ace Mine Layer, Ace Recon, etc.). Sombras the type that would work consistently well in a clan environment even with her skill floor.

She’s not meta outside of OWWC, that’s for sure, but the last rework that everyone considered a huge nerf made her much stronger, at least in my opinion.

Even I, a person that has around 10h in total on her, which is basically nothing, can be useful with her.
I was useless before.

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