They were right, Sombra mains weren’t going to be happy until she became meta

Ever since the small rework Sombra mains were complaining in fact even saying that Sombra became weaker with the rework but simply because she was played in the OWWC and they see that she actually is good now rather than finding our for themselves, she is now in every game and pretty much meta now I guess you could say


pReTtY mUcH mEtA

You saw her in one World Cup match, give it a rest


I saw her in pretty much 75% of OWWC match and now a majority of my comp matches


Sombra + teamplay = amazing
Sombra - teamplay = :worried:

Also applicable to other heroes


But in that case, Sombra is top tier xd

I don’t really see much difference with Sombra at all. She’s better at not being involved for longer, and still doesn’t do much damage. I see her more often, but she’s not very effective unless outright ignored IMO.


This is what I’m arguing, exactly.

Making some heroes solo que friendly and others only amazing to play in very organized teams is bad design. It basically ensures that players who use Sombra, Bastion and Symmetra will have a very tough time unless their teams always coordinate with them.

All heroes should be solo que friendly


The whole gimmick of Sombra is to prohibit players from doing anything. Of course people will hate it.

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In some sort of utopia…sure!

But isn’t the reality that some heroes are going to and need to shine in specific scenarios make those heroes more exciting? And more useful?

If every hero was universally applicable in every circumstance and every comp, regardless of effort from a team…wouldnt everyone just be homogenous? And bland?

The fact that niche exists is what makes this game unique. It’s what makes competition beyond mechanical skill possible.

I fully empathize with your sentiment, I just wholly disagree.


Sombra isn’t meta really, she’s just more viable now.

But yeah. I had this strange experience arguing against this guy who’d insist removing time limitations on stealth and translocator somehow made her weaker than before.


Sombra relies on her team for follow up. That makes Sombra less fun and limits her usefulness.

The issue is that Sombra is so team reliant, that she’s UP in solo queue, and the only people who can get full value out of her are pro players.


You misunderstand me.

I’m not asking for heroes to always be viable, I’m asking for them to be friendly to solo players.

Two good examples are Junkrat and Reaper. They aren’t always the most viable picks, but the team also doesn’t need to coordinate heavily with then to win.

That’s what I’m asking for.


Sombra counters GOATs and Doomfist + Hammond.
She’s pretty much run to counter that.

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She was played a lot in Contenders, and Sombra mains said it was a temporary fad that wouldn’t play out in World Cup, to them Sombra was irredeemably nerfed beyond recognition with the rework. Now Sombra has been played a LOT in World Cup to the point many OW commentators are saying she’s practically a must pick in pro level play. Sombra mains have lost their high ground here because pros found the value in her that they refused to see.


Sombra is meta in pro play exclusively.

This here is actually the reality 99% of the community experiences.


so it’s a l2p issue?

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Yeah, just become pro 4head


She is meta because of the stun meta.Hack is great against it.

She’s picked in less than 1% of plat games and has a win rate there of 48.75%

She doesn’t become remotely viable until diamond, and she’s a total disaster in bronze.


Mmmmmmmyyiiiiiiissssssssssssss nope. Nope.
I know what you mean but no, they shouldnt.

Basically because theres no “end” to that principle. If we keep applying it then every hero should have “sustain”, then every healer should be able to “switch” to damage like Moira with ease etc.

This is a role based game so the coordination is something that has to be encouraged and enforced. If All heroes were “solo queue friendly” then its a Quake3 FFA where the best DPS wins, no one would pick a tank or a healer because their impact would be minimal in comparison to a self sustained hero that doesnt need or have more impact with teamplay.

Want to look how that world looks like? Go QP with Bronze/Silver players.