They really buffed ANA, Kiriko and Moira

Bronze support main confirmed, crying about the 1 second recall buff that did nothing for her.

All the Ana buff did was give her the teensy bit more damage necessary to 3-shot a 225 hero.

Let’s give that 1s cooldown buff to someone who needs it maybe?

You must be high to think Tracer actually needed a buff, yet you call me Bronze :skull_and_crossbones:.


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Also 5 points to healing.

The devs have buffed nearly every support’s healing numbers since they added the dps passive. The result is that if you have bad dps on your team, nothing dies because the passive is pretty much mandatory for that.

Before we know it, tanks will get base damage buffs to compete with the healing so they can kill anything. And we’ll be back to ow2 season 1 balance.

Dps passive was a bad idea, what the game needed was individual number adjustments to all supports.

Right now in a 2v2 (tank and supp) nothing dies. The supps can easily out heal tank damage in most cases.

Games are pretty much decided by which team has the better dps.
If you have one that’s not pulling their weight for any possible reason, it’s gg.


Cool so we still dont have mercy every match thats great.

It’s too late. I already called the police. Enjoy your freedom while you still can, evil-doer. :man_police_officer:


Dude you’re such a boomer we know it’s a joke you don’t have to clarify


Personally I feel they should’ve left Moira, and buffed mercy. Other than Moira and mauga buffs, this patch was a huge w. Imo at least XD

This. 1000%.

I also agree with this definitely. It’s funny to see DPS players say Thier role is “cosmetic” XD

I feel like this is more determined by what heroes they’re playing. For example a Kiri and rein will absolutely destroy a mercy and zarya. The tank match up really matters, and skill of the tanks. If ones better than the others they’ll probably win. Just one support can’t out heal any damage in the game, aside from Moira’s grasp. Tanks deal huge damage.

And what elo.
Down here, individual skill means a lot more than people think.
I can fry a bad rein with an ana pocket easily with zarya, a mercy healbotting me.
But a good rein with a harmony orb can squish me even if i have moira with me. (All supps in this example are there only to heal, no discords or antinades)

But a mirror match of a tank supp. Nothing will die.

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I’m GenX, why does everyone forget we exist? :sob:

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You are projecting so so hard right now.
It makes you sound very desperate trying to be funny with humor that died literally 8 years ago.

If you are that sh.t at the game that you need the 3rd best dps in the game be even better, maybe the bronze call is coming from inside the house.

Insecure and unoriginal, that’s no way to go through life, yet here you are… sigh

Except I am not bronze.
But whatever gets you going.
I can literally smell you through the screen, that’s how much you repulse me,

So much ego and literally nothing to show for it. There is a reason you have to main Tracer :skull:

50+ is boomer territory to me sorry

Dude you’re such a Gen Xer doesn’t flow off as well

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I’m not 50+ :sob:

I’m only 45. Oregon Trail generation.


Ana is not the 2nd best support, she’s only op in gold. Brig juno is incredibly dominant in diamond plus and ask any other high level player and they will tell you the same thing

Still old enough to be my dad


Edit: that’s actually quite young tbh you’re more of a xennial

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Normally I would care but not when classic is around.
No anas and no kirikos. life is good sometimes

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No, gold games are decided by dps

Brother the idea tracer needing buffs is the most gold/plat take I have ever heard. Aleo before you cry “bronze” take a look at my profile