🛑 They finally buffed mcree

unfortunately that is all he got and it is super insulting

I know, it’s insulting.

Blizz had a lot they could work with, like his measly roll that goes what? Two meters?

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Nailed it…

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buff is so helpful

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Wow awesome, this is super cool, finally his kit isn’t trash anymore compared to other DPS :slight_smile:

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“Hey, I know we just unleashed Super-McHanzo, but here’s a buff that’ll let you get an extra kill or two ever year.”

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yup, his tripfallget up ability is on a long cooldown for going 2 meters and his flash cooldown is only 2 seconds shorter than a tracer recall

Guys McCree is more viable now! It’s even better that giving him 30% more defense while ulting. Because everyone was asking for this buff specifically. Yay! Go team!

  • be intern at blizzard QA
  • come up with a QoL improvement for McCree
  • balance guys are busy but they OK it
  • it gets added to the game
  • customers say you are spitting in their face

You guys sometimes…
They have many employees working on many things. Not everything is ready at the same time.

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Does he really need buffs, though? Or is it more like the ones making him obsolete, like Hanzo, are in severe need of nerfs, instead?

It’s something.

The problem is that McCree needs to have his niche of close-mid range enforced (Hanzo is dominating mid range. The new Sym will be potent in close range. And there are heroes such as Junkrat that already exist in this area). Making FTH more powerful, even if slightly, fix flashbang, or do SOMETHING to combat roll so he is a powerful character at close-mid range. He IS good at that, and he is actually picked in OWL at those moments, but it’s hard to justify him in ladder any more because Hanzo does the Mid range much better.

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Well, it’s tiny, but hey, even a small step is a step.