They can stop with Hanzo skins at all

And we say Goodbye…

It reminds me of Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney.

OBJECTION! That arrow was 5m from their head. it should have hit

Can’t stop won’t stop

Nobody wrecks face and looks good doing it better than Scion Hanzo.

“Such a lack of imagination…”

“…Insolent Cur…”

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No one can ever say Hanzo doesn’t get good skins. He has the best in the game. Meanwhile Genji just gets different masks that show nothing of his personality. Okay Blizzard, I see you.

Best skin in game? Tought one there are ton of good skins…

Officer Reporting for duty!

lucio skins are worst skins in the game. All of them

“You have Made an error in Judgement…”

I have a hard time deciding between the cyberninja, casual, and scion

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They’re probably stopping with Hanzo skins for some time, tbh. He’s one of those heroes that’s really been gifted with the skins for the last year, between Cyberninja, Casual, Kabuki, and now Scion.

Same goes for McCree between Blackwatch, Lifeguard, Van Helsing, and Magistrate. Some other heroes could use some skins soon, really.

“I will put you in your place…”


Casual Hanzo skin***



“Am I supposed to be impressed…?”

“The outcome was never in doubt…”