They aren't slaves

Yet it’s against guidelines.

If players actually used the megathread, the devs would have an easier time reading it as it’s not going to be completely random and out of context what is read. Players aren’t using the tools at their disposal designed to help them, and as a result, Blizzard is putting most, if not all of their time into sorting it rather than reading and taking feedback.

Look at yesterday for example. 11 posts I found on the forums related to Mercy balance. Today? Almost every single one was moved to the megathread, deleted because it’s not constructive, or locked because fighting.

When it comes down to it, players are abusing systems put in place to help. And as a result, nobody wins.

That’s my point.

Blizzard’s rules frequently exceed what is necessary.

The megathreads frequently aren’t specific enough for it to work well even if everyone put the feedback at that location.

Blizzard could easily create a new forum section for specific issues. They choose not to do so. That’s entirely on them.

Blizzard, it’s ownership, and it’s staff have had no problems with edging up to rules/ethics, breaking them, or breaking them and covering it up with money. If people are deciding to go after people whenever they cross/flirt with Blizzard’s lines then the same should apply to Blizzard when they cross/flirt with the law.

Additionally, people have been flagging the thread and getting it locked for a while without any clear action being taken.

But they’re Blizzard’s rules. You have to abide by them, like it or not.

Then we’d have 99+ different topics for forums to choose from. Not only is there a lot to sort through, a large majority of players wouldn’t even see what’s going on in forum categories they don’t frequent.

It’s like making a dodgeball tournament with ~200 players. You decide to group them via specific physical features (ie. glasses and muscular, Asian and lanky, etc.) Eventually, you have so few people per team that they’re not even really teams. Some “teams” only have one person while others have 4+ players.

It doesn’t make sense. Not only would this further the divide in the community, but it would also create even more tension between the developers and players.

I mean, how would developers be able to look through that many specific topics, even to look at things that don’t make much sense? They can’t and neither can the community.

The megathread is a good thing tbh. It helps prevent spam. The players are abusing it. Don’t blame the false flagging on the megathread as it’s very much a player bound issue.

1.5 years is plenty of time to figure out what to do with Bastion.

Also it is their job to work for our entertainment that’s how you get people to buy the game, stay, and possibly buy lootboxes for a game they intend to keep playing.

As others have said they also make money from it so they’re not slaves but they also have to appeal to the community.

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