These patch notes

Don’t you know it’s because those dancing moves are too op

Sym got buffed. Read the updates.

You are aware that the reason why Rein (and everyone else)'s ult charge so fast in the current meta is because both sides are constantly damaging each other, and they all have bloats of HP to withstand that damage, right?

Under normal circumstances, good Rein players might be able to get one shatter per fight, but usually it’s down to the most reasonable one shatter every other fight.

Doing less damage to armor is a nerf however way you decide to look at it.

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Her beam damage ramps up 20% faster… against anything.

I’m not talking about that clearly? Not to mention that still doesn’t solve the core issue - that she is a 200hp hero with no mobility, no sustain, no escape ability of any kind that requires time to charge up for her damage to actually be remotely decent.

Well, I was already completely happy playing Sombra, but now I also get shorter cooldown after hacking medpacks. So yeah, good patch)

People like Rein because he’s very easy to play with, and people have become very accustomed to that. I made another thread discussing how players have literally forgotten how to play the game without him, so many of their defences basically come down to that. They’re like “Well how would we even play with Winston, Orisa or Hammond? They either lack shields, or shields that aren’t moving”.

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TL;DR - Perhaps Widow does need a nerf, but in my opinion these infra sight changes are the wrong way to go about it.

Her ult was arguably the only thing in her kit that could be used solely for the benefit of her team, but I imagine this change will force her to use it more selfishly. Currently, infra sight can be used in the midst of a team fight, or right before she dies, in the hopes that it will give her team the advantage. With the change she won’t be able to do this anymore.
Also, I suspect a Widow who intends on ulting for her whole team, and not just herself, will be forced to play defensively. That isn’t the effect that an ultimate ability is supposed to have. Widow is a glass cannon, so giving her a slow-acting ult that expires upon death really doesn’t make sense to me.

I don’t agree with the reasoning for the change either. The counterplay to her ult was to correct your positioning, and to be more cautious and erratic, which most people did. She can still activate it from halfway across the map, so their reasoning for the change seems inconsistent. I hope in the future we’ll see some changes to her that enable a more team-oriented playstyle.