There's only 2 reasons you're stuck in your rank

I think that you might need some coaching. Try a vod on the forum and I’m sure that you’ll get great help.

Rein is very hard to play in low ELO as dps won’t follow up and healers won’t heal you.

I’d also recommend Jayne YouTube videos Bronze Reinhardt and Adopt a Bronze.

Apparently the bronze Rein on there is plat now, after just a few months.

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eh, not really

this is why

no /s for real

Hey Gazzor, thanks for replying =)

Yes! This was the epiphany! In all the time I have played OW and as Reinhardt, I had never experienced what I did during the 10 Placement matches. I have played games in QP, in Sliver, a lot of Arcade and never once had I ever encountered no heals, no follow through by the DPS players while trying to advance, players even leave the payload for as long as 1+ minutes (totally C9) unattended. All the stereotypical behaviour mentioned about Bronze tier play rang frustratingly true. The only 1 game I won for Placements, I had decent healers. The irony was that we did have at least one healer in all the comps but it was always either an Ana or a Moira or both. Again, stereotypes of Ana players who cannot aim and Damage Moira were true.

Even the stereotype of DPS players not being able to hit the right side of a barn were true! Any team with a Pharah was guaranteed a W. I got so fed up that for one game on Watchpoint: Gibraltar, after the Red Team wrecked their way to Check point 2 on a Pharah in under 3 minutes; I switched off Reinhardt and took up Soldier 76 to take down the Pharah. I went for 17 eliminations, made that Pharah switch off to Widow, Doomfist and even Bastion in about 6 minutes and managed to farm 2 tactical visors. Got taken down by Red Hanzo ult and when I respawned, the Red Team had made their way to the final checkpoint. Got hit by another Hanzo ult just as I exited the spawn. Ended the game with 30% accuracy. I had to switch off Rein in 2 more games as S76 and managed to win 1 for the team after repeatedly taking down Red Pharah… and I had never used S76 in Competition before. Now I have to regularly switch off to take down enemy Pharahs.

Reaching this epiphany was a very painful one … and I have decided to switch off Reinhardt entirely. Played the 10 placements as Rein and was 1-9. After I mad a switch, I went for 7-3. However, yesterday, I had to switch back to Rein because there were 0 tanks when the doors of the Spawn Room opened. The results of that game are here, if you are interested to see (the very topmost one). E:D of 3.12 with 25 Elimins, 8 deaths. I had the very very good fortune to have a Zen player who knew what he was doing and a Mercy with the team so now, since the placements, I have been 8-3.

Sound advice indeed, thank you.
Something to think on in the long term when I decide to devote more time and energy to this game, especially with Pathfinder Kingmaker in my play list; Total War: Three Kingdoms and the new Final Fantasy XIV expansion coming soon.
Plus running that D&D campaign for (8 of) my buddies, if you recall. >.<

P.S. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading. =)


I remember getting decent with Genji years ago, buying a new account because I didn’t like my rank, somehow being placed at a Diamond MMR and just gettin’ absolutely friggin DESTROYED all the way to level 25 and feeling like I didn’t even know how to play the game anymore.

people always got an excuse but I don’t think i’ll ever forget how miserable that was.

there’s no point in playing to rank up unless you are really putting in the effort to rank up.


Yes, I totally agree.

I think that I am one of those weirdos who enjoy playing Competition mode just for the sake of it. Much the same as me playing in amateur basketball leagues when my body and time could afford it. Just for the sake of competition in a formal structured environment as opposed to pick-up playground hoops.

Play Comp because you enjoy the intensity and thrill of it.

Look to rank up only if you have the desire to and along the way, grow organically in terms of skill and as a (fair) competitor. =)


I keep telling you you’re sleeping on moira at that rank :stuck_out_tongue:
This just happened tonight, have pics in each round you can see the progression from offense round to defense round to total lol. Only lost my last gold right at the end

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i agree with u, there are tools out there for u to improve u just need to put in the effort urself. find urself a free coach, do vod reviews, join a team. all are ways of improving ur own play

Yeah, you’re right. She’s just not “clicking” with me. Only time I ever got 5 golds was in a loss when my dps were utter trash (I out damaged our Bastion that game), and I was actually focusing heals…

Maybe she just isn’t for me. I’ve been trialing Zen and already managing circa 700+ heals per minute, as well as the value from discord, my own occasional hits (my accuracy sucks right now) and the 3 Ults I got off during the round whenever enemy Genji dragon bladed.

Edit: Just looked at your profile. You’re 2.8k plat? I note that your win rate with Moira is just over 50%. Or is that screen shot from your private pc profile?

So you’ve plateaued as well, albeit 400 Sr higher than me.

interesting damage to heal ratio in that game.

Looking at your stats on Omnicmeta you’re top 90%+ in everything apart from kills - 46% and damage - 59%. Far better than my anaemic 11% and 8% for those. I think that I need to play her closer to the enemy lines.
Do you ult as soon as you get it, or save it for clutch plays? I recall one game where enemy Moira ulted every 40 seconds or so, whilst my friend saved his for key moments, including final push.

Stats don’t always tell the story though. Your Rein stats are quite poor, but your 5-1 win rate is great. Sometimes your team just needs a massive blue shield…

Edit2: Ah, as you’re gold on the imgur shot, I guess it’s your pc game play then. A lot better than your plat stats would suggest. Is that a typical game, or just a very good one? I managed 26k heals one game, but alas was not a typical comp game for me. And the different user name is a blatant clue as well…

Fair enough.

One of the lessons I learned to climb up from the pit of low silver, twice, is to play the right heroes for your elo.

My current Orisa win rate around 67% as I get good heals and dps backing me up. In silver I had to drop her totally as my team never backed me up. One game I killed 3 of the enemy myself on their first push. My team then proceeded to run past my barrier and lose the resultant fight vs. enemy Reaper. I was sat there on 3 golds, bemoaning my dumb as bricks team mates. So I swapped to Moira and Lucio and climbed to gold with 80% win rate.
Now that I’m at the SR where dps and heals are, on the whole*, competent, I can play Orisa again.
*I still dread seeing an Ana on our team. In gold it’s almost always a loss. I’ve played vs. high plat Anas in qp, and know that she’s a sick carry hero. But a bad Ana is far worse than a bad anything else. All the good Anas have sleep dart and anti-naded their way up to plat plus by now.

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you must have me confused with someone else.

To be fair sombra’s skill floor is about 20 stories higher than the effort needed to make that God awful cheese work. You pretty much have to meticulously grind your emp nad have dva bomb them to break that non sense. She isn’t getting a hack off with all that chaotic damage going everywhere… especially when all that crap is tucked in a corner behind an orisa shield. It’s not called cheese for nothing.

you are far better off just suiciding on rat and hopefully killing some of that non sense off with his passive.

What you will come to learn if you haven’t already is that player skill on a hero trumps everything else. This applies to every hero not just Ana. It also applies to every rank.

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Smurfs, throwers, elo hell, matchmaker only slow you down, if you grind enough you’ll be where u belong so gg

Hey Gazzor and thanks for reading my lengthy post.
It is always a pleasure to chat with you because of your thoughtfulness.

Hahaha! Yeah, i know what you mean but based off my experience when playing the game at Sliver tier, it was not all that bad…compared to what i see in Bronze.
Frequent c9 moments with zero people on the payload, standing alone at a choke as Reinhardt during placements. To be honest, i actually don’t get upset when i see such things including DPS who cannot hit any thing. I am actually … slightly bemused in a very wry way. It is what it is.

Yes, thank you for understanding.
As opposed to thinking that i am just making excuses for myself.
I am 43 years old with two young children, running my own business, work 7 days week & 10-12 hours a day for 361 days a year. Moreover, i already have presbyopia, on top of myopia and astigmatism as well as premature arthritis on the fingers because of the nature of my work.
Add the fact that FPS is not my primary preferred genre for gaming and that i have other hobbies, yeah, I am pretty much at the ceiling, or near to it, when it comes to this wonderful, enjoyable game. =)

Yes, one of the thing which was running through my mind after identifying what was lacking in Bronze tiered games, in general, and then aligning it to what i would like to play - i settled on my current pick and i intend to main her with the occasional flex to Soldier 76 (to kill Pharahs). I will use Rein if it is absolutely necessary.

This would be the one thing i would look forward to, definitely.
However, it would not be too much of a loss because there is always QP, Arcade for playing Reinhardt, for me.
Although, yes, i agree…Playing a tank in Competitive Mode is just … more fun (if the team is clicking well).

Hahaha! i hear you and rise you on seeing Widowmakers in Silver as well, much less Bronze. There are tonnes of players using Widow at Bronze tier especially on the Asia servers ( i alternate b/w Americas and Asia) and the minute i see one…and an Ana. I just quietly think to myself, “gg”… XD


Was a bit over 2.9k when I was met suddenly with just the biggest swarm of ahem “new accounts” I’ve ever seen in my time playing this game lol. that dropped it quite a bit, I had a 60% wr overall and moira was in the 70’s but when you have a session where you go 2-5-1 then another you end 1-5 on the hero that drops it right quick.

If you’re not healing, you should be damaging. doing nothing doesn’t get any value. Ask, she’s always going on about that APM.

If no one is damaged you don’t want to just throw it out there for dps, but it charges fast enough that you don’t want to just hold it half a game either. you can use it to swing fights, especially if you have someone going in that you can make almost invincible and help melt targets or if they have a couple low health squishies. It’s also incredible value against teams with zen/ana comps because they can’t avoid it and you can either get kills on their backline or force out abilities.

RIP in the chat for rein. People think orisa takes damage? no no no, REIN takes damage. you drop your shield for half a second and be at 200 health. for example under 2 minutes and already 4.2k tanked (not even including the 500 health would make 4.7k lol). Meanwhile Orisa actually shreds, don’t listen to people saying she’s all weak now because of the changes lol.

A grind is a grind is a grind. you don’t have to be doing a lot of flashy plays, you just need to make room. To paraphrase Muma, anything that is happening to me is something that isn’t happening to my team.

2.9k is about what I can reach, so my stats will naturally look worse. As you push higher and higher into harder games, it becomes more of a slogging match until you can get more consistent and then your stats will begin to even out again. It’s like back when I was in gold with like 2 elims per life that showed I was suppsed to be there, but when you know you’re probably about to start climbing you’ll go up to like 4 per life, more damage per minute, etc. and then you’ll hit where you should be and your stats will go back down and you start the process over again.

Also, they play different heroes, I have almost 40 hours on ana/zen/winston combined on that second one.

It can be pretty typical, but that doesn’t mean it’s always a win. I had a game where I healed 10k by 6 minutes and they couldn’t do anything with it, we were still getting spawncamped. The difference is, I think i’ve mentioned this to you before, is what people will let you get away with as you climb. At the start you can just get ridiculous damage from the support slot that will just win you games. but as you go up, not only will they prevent you more and have better positioning themselves, they’ll also be doing more damage. Basically meaning the more you go up, the more you’ll have to skew towards healing. The more you need to save orb for yellows and the more throwing purples becomes a punishable action.
and this is the draw I mentioned from the session of 2-5-1 above

I mean, I’ve never exactly hid it lol. I practice with a lot of different heroes, I mentioned above, it seems to have focused in on winston/ana/zen with a bit of hanzo. I also have another one I was going to use for sniper practice, but I kind of stopped that one lately. go through 25 levels doing fine, get done just in time at the end of the season to get my placements in, do fine those ten games, start the next season, do fine those ten placements, get like another 10 games in just fine, then suddenly start getting games where it feels like I’m soft throwing just being in the match. Idk how thatworks after 25 levels of qp and 30+ ranked matches to suddenly change like that, but i figured that was enough of that lol.

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when did grinding mean getting higher rank. An why is matchmaking in general trying to bring u down or slow u down. shouldnt skill be a soul determining factor of any rank factor.

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Because the amount of healing you do is not necessarily a metric of your performance, but a metric of how much damage your team is taking. And obviously your team is taking quite a lot. If your team is steamrolling the other team, they aren’t taking much damage, and your healing stat will be much lower for example.

True but not for the reason you are suggesting. The reason is because Moira is a skill check hero. Low ranks have trouble dealing more damage than her because they don’t know how to aim. High ranks can easily all do more damage than her. So at higher rank there is more value in keeping your teammates alive since they can do more damage than you can yourself. This is not getting into the fact that there is inherently more value to healing built into her character (300 vs 200 // 75hps vs 50hps // teammates welcome the yellow, enemies run away from purple).

When you look at this you see amazing stats. When I look at this I see an about average Moira game. Don’t be fooled by gold medals. Moira will always have gold elims and gold healing medals so that is meaningless. What is meaningful is the actual numerical value of the healing, damage, and deaths as compared with the time. So you’re at slightly under 5k dmg, 9.6k healing, and 4.5 deaths per 10 minutes. My personal averages with her are slightly under 5k dmg, over 12k healing, and 4 deaths per 10 minutes for comparison (which is better but I am an above average Moira player).

This one is a good game though for example. Again, you are focusing on gold medals when you shouldn’t be. I can’t see the time in the last screenshot but in the ones I can you are averaging >10k dmg and >10k heals per 10 minutes which is well above average. And you only have 2 deaths which is very good.

If you want tips on how to take Moira to the next level I can help. You sound like you have a pretty good foundation of how to play her already.

Ironically your rank doesn’t define the skill at which you can play all the hero’s…so technically it’s based on the hero you climb the best on…I can hit plat as bastion…no problem… doesn’t mean I’m a plat player tho…

The fact that you actually believe this is why your in plat.