There's only 2 reasons you're stuck in your rank

1: You belong there
2: You don’t play enough

Smurfs, throwers, elo hell, matchmaker, conspiracy theories, blah blah blah. None of that actually matters.


So, how many more of these posts we gonna see? 100? 1000? 10000?


Why I can’t rank up:





Over 9000 for sure


Yikes. Make a new account only to find out it ended up in the same rank as your main? Unfortunate.


Actually my new account is higher. My original account is still silver. While I have reached platinum once on this account. More proof of elo hell.


All that really proves is that you can hold your own in slightly higher ranks, but still not good enough to climb out of lower ones. Of course accounts will be a few hundred SR apart. MMR resets and whole lot of other factors come into place. It’s better to just focus on play instead of getting high sr on multiple accounts or other BS.


If that is the case, you didnt improve lol. My new account placed much higher than old account. And I climbed another 200sr after placement.

So your new account placed above average because you showed some knowledge of the game, and now you’re stuck at nearly the same rank. That doesn’t prove elo hell is real at all.


if people won’t hold themselves responsible they’ll never get better


This is likely a major reason. We improve at the game but the matchmaker wants to be cautious that we’re not “just being lucky” and won’t let us climb too quickly on established accounts.

It’s why you tend to place and end up higher on alts. You may play like a diamond, for example, but it would take longer for you to grind it out from plat vs just making a fresh account with your skill.


But maybe the reason “you dont play enough” is because you get tired of having to fight uphill battles all the time where you have to hard carry trash teammates that should never have gotten out of gold.

It just doesn’t feel good when you lose games because you can’t play the role you are best at, because your teammates insta-lock your best heroes and they proceed to play that hero like garbage. Or they pick their off role characters and are so bad at them that they basically add no value.

It’s been about a week since I’ve played this game and everytime I think about firing it back up, I just remember all of the frustrating stuff I have to deal with when I play, then decide to do something else.

Last day I played this game, I went 10-5, which is a pretty good win rate, leaving me at a season high in SR, which should have had me feeling pretty good about that session. But it didn’t, because everytime I lost the game, it felt like it was because of something that was outside of my control. The pattern all day went win 2 games, then lose one, then win 2, then lose one. So I wasn’t losing games “because after climbing sr, I started playing against opponents that were too good” (like the apologists love to say). But because I was either getting terrible teammates or terrible team comps.

For example, I am a dps main, which is by far my best role, but can flex to any role. I can still play a pretty mean tank in plat (i think my hog and zarya are diamond level, almost every time I play them I have gold elims and damage) and a respectable healer. One game, 2 players insta lock 2 dps so then me and the next guy to pick both pick tanks. Then the remaining 2 players pick zen lucio which tilts me because I can already tell there’s no way they will be able to keep our tanks healed up with that level of healing output, let alone be able to provide adequate healing to the dps on top of that.

So I just ask for one of them to switch to main healer, get ignored, then the match starts. As predicted, the healers do a terrible job healing so the tanks can’t stay alive and we get steamrolled on defense.

At the end of round 1, my tank partner says he didnt get a single heal all round and switched to dps. Having also received inadequate healing and not being willing to solo tank with no heals, I also switch to dps as I’ve written the game off (because there’s really nothing I can do at that point, can’t play both tank roles and both healing roles at same time) and we end up getting full held and lose

Next game, I get to play dps so I pick Ashe (who I have close to 80% win rate with) and I’m getting tons of picks and providing a great deal of value all game. But I notice that I dont see my dps partner getting any kills in the kill feed all game. My team barely loses the game (we are about a foot away from pushing the payload further than enemy team) because I can’t carry the sole weight of both dps roles in that game.

So I avoid my dps partner as teammate and he ends up on enemy team the next game. My team ends up steamrolling them on attack and full holding their team on defense, because their team is severely handicapped by having that guy on their team… this is the point where I think to myself “ok, so the game I played 2 games ago was super difficult where I had to play out of my mind and still lost. Now I get a super easy win, just because my terrible teammate from the previous game was on the enemy team”

That was the point where I realized I was just fed up with the dumb matchmaking system and didnt want to play the random teammate lotto anymore (where I would have to hope that my teammates weren’t so bad that it would be impossible for me to carry them). It’s just too frustrating to play a game where you have to think “ok, a third of the time or so, I am going to have to face basically an auto loss due to bad teammates, but at the same time on any given day, it can be more or less than that based on dumb luck.” I’ve had days where I played 10 games and got nothing but terrible teammates every game for that entire day! (They have happened at much lower SR than I am at now, so dont even think about telling me that it was because my opponents were just too good for me).

That is what keeps me from wanting to play the game more, who wants to play a “competitive” game with that kind of system? It would be like if the NFL told Tom Brady “ok, during the next season, we will randomly replace your teammates with the Cleveland browns in a third of your games. You will have no idea that this happened until after the game starts” (sounds utterly ridiculous when you think about it that way, doesn’t it?)

This is coming from someone that has between 70-80% win rate this season, btw.

So in conclusion: yes, those reasons matter. Of course they matter, are you joking?! Because if you provide a frusttating competitive experience that has this many flaws, people aren’t going to just play infinite amount of games to offset these flaws, they are going to get frustrated and stop playing the game entirely, which is why the game is hemmoraging players


Until Jeff notices him

Well, there is only 1 reason then, because if you dont play enough you belong there :rofl:

From someone who got over themselves, started actually trying improve, and subsequently gained 800sr in a few months: big agree.


As a Lucio main, I’ve won heaps of games with Zen as my co healer. It’s not all about raw healing output.
I peel for everyone with boops decreasing damage taken, Zens discord makes for far shorter encounters. Don’t underestimate a Zen that knows where to put his balls and a Lucio that doesn’t just spam E but uses it in conjunction with the Zen.

My Mercy and Moira are subpar. What would you rather, something the healers are confident and competent on, or playing something I’m really, in my opinion, rather rubbish on.

It’s not my preference to have Zen as a partner with the 2 defensive Ults, I’d rather my defensive ult paired with an attack ult, but if they’re better on Zen than any of the other healers, then I’d rather them play what they’re best at.


ever came to your mind that dealing with smurfs, throwers, elo hell and matchmaker is part of the climb and dealing with it the right way makes you climb also?

or why do you think there are people who play the same game, the same way (solo queue) as you and still climb?

do smurfs, throwers, elo hell and the matchmaker not affect them? or only you? and why would that be the case?

maybe those people don’t immediately give up if something goes wrong in a game, maybe those people don’t soft throw or unconsciously throw when they think that something else is going wrong.

and yes if you played 200 games and have a 50% winrate and the same rank, it’s you. and yes if you lost 32 games in a row it’s also you


people who say smurfs keep them down literally contradict themselves.

If you’re silver and a diamond smurf is pounding you, that means he’s way better then you therefore you are not a diamond player and your team isn’t keeping you down, otherwise you would be able to contest him


I don’t know if smurfs are a huge issue - I have not experienced too much of it myself. But your example is awful, a silver player should need to deal with people 3 ranks higher than them in their games? A silver player needs to be able to compete with gold players to climb, this is how iterative improvement works.

This is like me saying to a Diamond or Masters player - who cares if some OWL pro is in your game fragging your entire team. If you can’t beat him you don’t deserve to climb to Masters; can’t deal with Dafran in your backline? too bad buddy.

Again - IDK if smurfs are a huge issue. But in your example the diamond player should go play with people of their own skill level and stop playing house league superstar.

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What I want to ask people is this/ If you can have a 50 percent win rate and “hold your own” at 500 SR higher isn’t that the definition of belonging in a higher bracket?

I mean you said it yourself if you play 100 games at x rating and stay there doesn’t that mean you belong there? So how is that different than playing 100 games at 500 sr higher and still staying there? Let me guess your teammates are carrying you time and time gain? The game should correct your sr right?

I totally agree no diamond players are hardstuck in silver we both can agree there. But I have been playing this game for a VERY long time. Sr is not exactly accurate especially in lower elo. I have seen skill of all varieties around 1600. Some of those people seriously should of never left mid bronze and some I have no idea how they are not at LEAST high gold.

I am doing just fine on this account at about a 50/50 clip. I cannot climb out of silver on my alternate account to save my life.