There's no difference between a plat Mercy and a masters Mercy

If you read the post, I say that I play Mercy on both accounts…

What I’m saying is that playing Mercy in Masters is the same as playing her in Plat

Mei could still one-shot most heroes from any range. Basically Hanzo but without the arrow drop (and obviously plenty of other things).

I mean is it really surprising that the same player plays the same way? I dunno what you expect :rofl: If I play Mercy on this account and go and play on a different account I will still play Mercy the same way. This isn’t exactly quantum physics.

Well, I think they might be hesitant to implement not non-chain heal as well.

Mostly just commenting on the Rez mechanic.

Which again, kudos, is very well thought out.

the only thing they should buff slightly is the healing output during valk… apart from that she is fine for me.

Thank you very much!

Do I really have to spell this out? I have a 50% winrate on Mercy on both my Plat account and my Masters account.

I have a 50% winrate on Sombra on my Masters account, but if I were to play Sombra in Plat, I would have above a 60% winrate.

Why is it that I don’t have a higher winrate in Plat as Mercy than I do in Masters? I should be a “Masters” level Mercy with a higher winrate in Plat. But I don’t because in Mercy’s current state, she’s a bot. No matter how good you are with her, you can’t climb with her in any reasonable amout of time, even in a lower rank.

Do I have to spell it out for you? One is a support, the other is a DPS. Stop and think for a second and fill in the blanks I guess.

Heroes fall in out of of their impact level and keep in mind how a hero is played is different from player to player too. It’s very easy to be good enough to not be a liability at a higher rank while still not being good enough to be high impact at a lower one.

Might be hero, might be play style but it’s still tough to make blanket statements. Being I highly doubt a random plat mercy could play at a decent level if plopped into a masters games out of no where.

What he’s saying is that it’s about as easy to play Mercy in Masters as it is to play her in Plat.

On the other hand, it’s much harder to play Sombra in Masters than it is in Plat.

If that’s what he is saying that means Mercy is OP. :rofl:

Maybe read my entire post, rather than cherry-picking? Forget that I play Sombra. I’m not talking about Sombra.

What I’m saying is I should be able to climb with Mercy in Plat if I can maintain a 50%+ winrate with her in Masters, but I can’t.

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No, it just means she’s easy to do well with and easy to climb with.

to be fair you have a grand total of 2 hours on Mercy in Masters. Who know how you would do if you really “played her” at that SR range.

Two instant cast Rez during Valk (interact key is the new Rez button). Rez not available on cooldown anymore. Base healing increased to 55 hps. New ability is a temporary overdrive ability that gives Mercy 70 hps instead of 55

I’m not cherry picking. I’m literally explaining you that the answer to your thread is self-evident. You are comparing a DPS to a support which operate fundamentally different.

Climbing with supports have always been more difficult compared to DPS due to the nature of their role. Except with old Mercy where people clearly exploited her SR abuse. Current Mercy is fine but like I said comparing her to DPS is a false analogy.

Not to even mention that you can be masters with certain heroes but below masters with others. I mean I don’t play Doomfist and Orisa so I really doubt my skill level with them correlates with my MMR. I mean I shouldn’t even explain those things to you, they are kind of self-evident…

That’s just rude, toxic, and overall unconstructive… Sigh.

Ah, just the way I like my jokes :ok_hand:

I was using Sombra as a reference to get my point across…

Would it make you happier if I said that I’ve climbed to 3600 by one-tricking Moira? What I’m saying is that Mercy has no impact on games. I can easily climb in Plat/Diamond by playing other supports.

I’m a Masters Mercy. I’ve played plenty of Mercy in Masters

Geee…it’s like that’s exactly what the Mercy players in these forums have been complaining about for over a year.