There is so much hypocrisy going on with Baptiste's immortality field from people on the forums

It has the same effects Mass Rez did only this is on a 20 second cool down. It makes enemy ult’s null.

“It has counters” so did mass Rez

“bait it out then ult” you do the same for mass rez

“just shoot it it has 250HP” mercy has 200HP

“if you ult and he uses it and you kill no one it’s your own fault” if you ult and mercy uses mass Rez its your own fault

This is not a post defending mass Rez, I never liked it I think Rez itself needs to go, but this is more about how immortality field should be his ultimate instead of the weird thing he has now.


No, I’m afraid you are incorrect, its not the same as Mass Res at all.


They have the same effects and impact.

If we want to make it a single sentence “why they are different in the exact same scenario”: You can boop bodies out of IF so it doesn’t work. You can’t boop corpses off a cliff or apart so mercy couldn’t team Rez.

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No, they really don’t.

Isn’t this like your 3rd thread on this exact topic in the last two days?


Dying before using it is not a counter.

yes and that can be implied for pretty much everything in this game.

Like I said, dying before using it is not a counter.

Stop being salty about your precious mass rez that got removed.


Thank you, I was wondering where the feeling of deja vu was coming from

No, they do not, and its not even remotely close.

A Genji can blade from above it, and cut it down killing those inside. A Reaper can ult and his team can shoot it and kill it while he’s ulting and still kill everyone.

Both of these have happened to me.

Its not the same, and you are wrong to think it is.


yes they really do

I can make 500 posts on the topic if spaced out accordingly so it isn’t spammed.

how to counter mass Rez: bait it out

Then why did people complain so much about mass Rez but don’t care about immortality field? oh nvm I know LMFAOOO

learn to read jfc profanity removed

“Shoot the MassRez!! Wait, wut?”


A little off topic but mass rez did have counters. Ult economy is a big one, the problem is players threw everything and the kitchen sink at Mercy’s team and complained when they couldn’t kill her. Never had a problem with mass rez

As for the topic… Just shoot the drone. It’s that simple!

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Tbf I thing that mass rez was simply a bad ult since it was too unreliable. You see all those 5 man rezes but they were pretty rare and most of the games you didn’t get this opportunity. It just felt either bad for the Mercy player since he couldn’t use it effectively or for the enemy that made a great team wipe with genji or mccree and then a mercy just comes with a button that reverted it all.

Probably because they aren’t close to similar?

Sure, but to what end? You ignored any answer that disagreed in your last two threads, as your mind is already made up(or you’re just trolling). Are you expecting everyone to suddenly be like “You know what, since you said the same thing for the third time I suddenly agree with you! Thanks for showing us the light!!”?


I smell a post that is just trying to bring back arguments about mass rez.

Just. Don’t.

5 man rez never really happened since tempo was the way to go, it was a big gamble. The team getting rezzed was out of position as well, If Genji and McCree can cause a team wipe I don’t see why Mercy could of reversed it.

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What i hate about it is that orissa super charger is just as easy to kill as his immortality field, why is her super charger not beefed up with more health. Thats an ultimate ability which can be killed alot of the time easier than the immortality field, thats the problem i have with it.

i just dont think orissas super charger should be as easy to kill as the immortality field, if anything i think they should drop the field HP down to 200

Disagree, you can’t park a cow on IF.

No it didn’t.

They don’t have the same effects and impact.

Mass Rez immediately healed your allies to full. Immortality Field offers no healing.

Mass Rez did not need LOS to be used. Immortality field requires LOS to be used.

Mass Rez’s ability to save teammates could not be interrupted by any abilites because Mercy had total immunity. Immortality field can be hacked or destroyed.

You could not displace an enemy to prevent them from enjoying Mercy’s protection, because they were dead. You can Hook and Boop enemies out of Immortality field.

Immortality field is much closer to a Winston barrier than Mass Rez, with it’s own drawbacks and benefits.

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You can kill immortality field and it’s in a static position, can’t be healed, shielded, etc.

Feel free to keep crying about mass res, but at least no they’re no where near the same.