There are hidden developers here

I can’t squeal on my fellow developers now that you’ve recognised me :wink:
but yeah no im not one of them

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Sounds like something a… developer spy would say

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Shhhh! :shushing_face:

Hey devs I know you’re reading this nerf Mei and fix Deathmatch pl0x

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Mei isn’t really a problem, didn’t they nerf her?

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Yeah. And?
They don’t read rational community feedback anyway :)

We need Hawaiian BOB skin

❗ Weekly Hawaiian BOB request (week 40)

~ decomposing

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Actually the two dps used in the finals was Reaper and Torb…

But that’s not the focus here.

Maybe in silver she isn’t a huge deal, but she’s too good in higher ranks trust me

I’m not in silver, I’m insulted right now

If they’re active here, then there are three options.
A). They see all the feedback and think almost everyone on the forums is an absolute moron and discard almost all feedback.
B). They just don’t care
C). They see and try to test out any good feedback they get from the Forums and the OW Team is just so ungodly slow that they can’t make anything come out fast enough to have a significant impact in a reasonable amount of time

Nope. No developers here.

Way to out yourself, DojaCat :cowboy_hat_face:

pfft if I was a developer, Mercy would have her healing buff by now.

If I was a dev, Mercy would be immortal


Great, now i am paranoid.

Great, FIX YOUR GAME, thanks , bye.

:musical_note: I always feel like, somebody’s watchin’ me :musical_note:
Why won’t they buff Mercy?
ooOOooh :musical_note:

At least you guys know it’s not me.

Cause multiple reasons.

I’m definitely, totally, absolutely in no way, shape or form, unquestionably, undeniably not a developer who is not pretending to not be a developer.

It could be me.

Or it could not be me.

We will never know. :male_detective:t2: