There are 3 support problems

Then why have supports at all? If the roster was like Illari then with tanks already being brawlers, Blizz might as well remove all roles (and their role buffs) and let it be open queue.

Problem is there are many more games out there that already to this a lot better than OW does.

You’ve hit the nail on the head, some people say dmg is too high (tbf I got 3 shot by an Illari today as Zarya -.-), some people say healing is to high…

The problem is that certain supports do everything a DPS can do, while having the utility on a low CD to save their own team, it’s a problem overall of bloated kits and the lack of a downside

Lucio/Moira and Zen, and to some extent Mercy (although rez is an absolute soul destroying ability) are generally fine, I don’t mind Bap either, at least his immo is physical and he can’t disappear…

Kiriko, Illari and LW need some changes, it’s not even that they alone are ‘OP’, it’s that they way they are designed empowers the other roles + they have ridiculous survivability - some people will say ‘well just get your team to play them as well’ - fair enough, valid point, but is that a fun gaming experience? Personally… I would say no

Well, it’s what people want to play. Either cater to the player base, or watch queue times skyrocket for DPS while everyone abandons Support and Tank.

The complaint about “supports are just better DPS” would be relevant in a pre-roleq era. But now we have role queue and you have to have DPS on your team, it’s really a non-issue.