(Theory) An Italian Omnic Artist hero who runs part of Talon

(This is a theory)

Basically the kit is similar to Echo…. But this is a Support hero, and works differently. (Aka basically the actual support we needed last year…. Which we sort of got; confused, continue down this rabbit hole?)

Aka this Artist (who also a Talon head) has been around before the first Talon Head Antonio death. Supplying Talon with new weapons by this Omnic’s design. (Aka a futuristic accurate Da Vinci.)

But her greatest accomplishment; hiding in plain sight by disguising herself as OW greatest hero: Echo. Making sure Sombra would “betray” Talon, and hand McCree the key and information where the “echo’s pod” is. (Aka this is a fake pod.) Then this artist redesigned her body to mimic Echo’s, down to the “wire”, to infiltrate future incoming OW missions. The real Echo is actually located at [redacted].

You can find a poster of this artist on the Venice map, where she always been. Looking down at you.

Side note:

On Malavento; “Echo” does a fly by, getting rid of certain evidence to the 2nd phase of her plan.

Aka This Talon Head doesn’t just work for Talon but for [redacted].

More info coming in OW2?

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That’s not a theory - theories have evidence. This is fanfiction.


Do you like this “fanfiction”?

You mean Leonora Botruvio, then. her name is a parody of “Leonardo da Vinci” and his “Vitruvian man”. is a parody very similar to that of HAL fred Glirchbot, between the director and the computer of Odyssey 2001.

to be completely honest, I don’t really like your theory. first of all because I find it a futile attempt to make Echo more interesting just because she is a copy of a dead civilian person. echo’s memory could give us many insights into what the old overwatch was like, just like other secondary characters like Efi in Numbani, or (partly) Iggy with King’s Row do. we must always keep in mind that Echo is considered Liao’s “ghost”, and this makes it a very fascinating concept to explore in the character. and there is also the fact that Echo analyzes a new kind of “Omnic generation”:

  • she is not part of the first original Omnics like Bastion;
  • she was not affected by the omnic awakening of the iris like Zenyatta;
  • she thrives on protocols, but she traces a very precise memory that does not make her completely self-taught like Orisa;
  • she is not a mere recorder of vocal sequences like the hammond robot;

we have a strange omnic that has experienced a very particular “omnic awakening”, based precisely on the protocol of imitation. she is the equivalent of a sentient external hard drive, could actually hold important memories of the technological origins that gave birth to omnics.

create conjectures of betrayals, phony identities, etc. I find it too complex to exhibit in the current 32 heroes. perhaps the only one who can create a false path of redemption is sigma and her apparent calm.

finally: I would love an Italian hero (of course, I’m Italian) but I think the ideal is to focus on Talon’s partners. after Antonio’s death, there was a need for Vialli in retribution to manage business in Italy. It is highly probable that we will see Talon’s heir to Italian administrative jurisdiction, while justifying the appearance of a new villain hero. probably different from the usual “dandy” like Antonio or Max, as Doomfist is planning a world conflict. Also add Mauga as a mercenary and the mysterious robotic omnic that suggests a connection with Null sector and IA Anubis … Talon is enriching himself with very interesting characters. then that this new Italian hero is an art connoisseur … well, it is not excluded in any case.

I would see Leonora Botruvio’s beautiful concept for an Echo skin, precisely because her physique is unique in the game’s roster. it would be cool if, with the idea of ​​the historical skins of the last archives, they propose this skin for Echo as “historical Italian lady”.


At least Matt Mercer like the idea, (when someone copied my theory and pitched it to him.) (Aka Someone copied my Echo theory and turned it into a mean tweet that went live (2 months ago... but still))

I’m just going to quote the message I posted the last time I read this.

Do you have any evidence at all to support your theory? If not… Then its not a theory.