Theoretical best dps partner to doomfist on ladder?

so the only char I still play at a gold level is doomfist, and I want to play with my brother.

Right now he plays soldier, and I don’t really want to swap because I want to learn doomfist and I can carry to at least mid plat with the rest of the dps cast.

However, as I see it now there, I struggle most when our team goes poke comp and I’m on doom and there are no isolated snipers on the enemy team, or when our team is rein zarya but the enemy rein is good enough that I can’t help my tanks pick him.

My top thoughts are soldier to keep weak front lines alive, and tracer if you want to 2 man dive something. ideally you would have dive tanks, but I know how ladder is. But I figure with a tracer and a doomfist diving together it might be easy to hard carry as well.

What do high ranks even play with doomfist?

If you’re just looking to reach plat then have your mate continue to play whatever he’s strongest at. Having them switch from soldier to Tracer, to whatever, to try make some golden duo is just going to leave you carrying him until he eventually grows accustomed to his new pick. And that’s probably only if he’s having fun on it.

Soldier and Tracer/Reaper.

Probably Tracer….

Doomfist initiated and Tracer easily mops up.

Or Tracer baits and doomfist rolls.

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Tracer. But if you can get a great Sombra player in duo its much better