The Watchpoint pack needs to be discounted

Omg the OW1 included in it isn’t factoring into it’s price. You are NOT paying for something you already have. If it was they would be giving you a discount like they do when you already own things for all of the other stuff in the Blizz store. If I go try to buy the new WoW pet and mount bundle right now it’s way cheaper for me because I already own 2 of the store mounts in the bundle. That’s how the Blizzard store works.

If you use critical thinking you can come to the conclusion that the other items in this bundle probably all add up to over $40, that’s the entire point of bundles it gives you things at a general discount.

Let’s look at the price of things in other games with this model:
2 Legendary skins ($5 each or 15$ each, let’s say 10) = $20
2000 OW2 = probably 20$
the first Battle Pass = Probably $10

That’s already $50. You’re already getting a deal regardless of OW1 being thrown in for new players like they said here:

You guys really think they would want to screw us over when they are desperately trying to rebuild a good rep for OW? :skull: Like come on lets use our brains people.